Monday, January 9, 2012

Playing Around

We are savoring these last few days as a family of three!
I am trying to squeeze in doing some of lil bit's most favorite things.
So middle of last week we headed to her favorite park!

 Can someone tell me what it is about 3 year olds having their picture made and sticking their chin in the air. Makes me laugh.
Then her inner dare devil came out. She was squealing with delight!

I have deemed this week full blown baby week.
I will be sharing the finished bassinet, finished nursery, some diy projects along the way and my Must Have Baby items!

See you back later!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Premier Fabrics

Wanted to share a tid bit of information with you guys today!!

You may or may not realize it but some of the most popular fabrics (i.e. chevron fabric) seen in projects ALL over blogland are manufactured here in the south, specifically in Sherman, Mississippi.
The company I am referencing is Premier Fabrics.
You know who they are...
This chair transformation was shared over at design sponge
Ten June has some pillows in her den out of their fabric.
(click on image to go to site)

Dixie Delights used their gorg prints in her UNbelievable basement makeover!
(again click on images to go directly to the site)
(the striped fabric is premier)
And so is the drapery fabric.
Found this image on my pinterest.
Someone used their cane fabric as a backdrop for a Barbie box photo op.

too cute!!
I have used their fabrics in my home as well as clients homes.

Anywho, upon a recent visit in one of their retail locations I discovered some of our most favorite styles they produce are being discontinued. 
That means they are making way for 125 new fabrics!!!
Here is a sampling from there site as to what we have to look forward to.
ugh hmmm... (hitting the stores today might I add)

I have purposely been holding off on some projects in my own home just so I can use one or two of their new prints!!

Aren't you excited???

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Floor Lamp- Copy Cat Chic

Okay so the saga to find just the right pieces for our den continues. I think I find something then nah, doesn't work. Other than a rug we have been torn as to adding a floor lamp or a small table and lamp on the non-chaise side of the couch.

Ever since our trip to Atlanta this summer I have been in LOVE with things at Z Gallierie. 
Everything is so chic and seems to be so well made so I start there as my launching point when I move on to the next items to complete this room. 
That brings me here. 
She would look Great in the spot in ? if you will.
But she costs $269.00
Which isn't horrible but I mean why not look for a little bit more reasonable right?
Yesterday I stopped in Kirkland's to peruse.
Usually I find very little in there that wows me. 
But this guy....
Had such similar lines to the Mariposa lamp from Z Gallerie I thought about it....
Then I saw the price tag of $49.97!!!!

Heck yes I will. 
Thinking of spray painting this beauty a gloss white!!

Have you found any copy cat deals lately??

Poly Mesh Tutorial

Do y'all remember me posting the picture of the polymesh wreath with the skates?
Here she is...
click on the image to go to that post.
I promised I would be back to make another wreath with a step-by-step for you.
Now that pinterest exists I understand there are a million tutorials out there. 
This one uses stuff you have around your home and literally can be completely finished in 15 minutes.

Take your roll of mesh and let it unroll itself. I draped mine over the back of a chair so it would not get tangled.
Then I grabbed a white wire hanger, a pair of scissors and some zip ties.

Honestly white would have worked for the zip ties but it just so happened I had the perfect matching blue!!
Just like in the video below I began working the mesh around my rounded out hanger.
Yes, they have a fancy schmancy ring with small pieces of garland to attach; but honestly the zip ties work to permanently keep the mesh on the "formed" hanger.

I am calling this method the "pinch-attach-zip-then cinch"

See here how you can cinch the mesh together to make it really full?
After your first layer is complete, (just like in the video) you will start a second layer.
My second layer only has about 4 loops because I knew I would be attaching another element to my wreath.
Here is the completed project.
(i think it is time to upgrade the planters by the front door; that will have to wait until this spring though)
 And with the little bit of mesh I had left over I made a bow as well.
You know I Lurve a good bow!!

And while I was out there I decided to show y'all the monogrammed medallion I made for the hospital door.
This was super easy to make. However, the glitter letters were kinda messy. haha

btw... the mesh is now sold at Hobby Lobby. If you purchase the rolls from the gift wrap aisle it is $6.99 (as opposed to the holiday aisle for $7.99) so half off I made a poly-mesh wreath for $4.00.
Free hanger and zip ties and 20 minutes... Super cute way to welcome home our baby boy!!

I am linking up over at Amanda's for Weekend Bloggy Reading

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas 2011

Just wanted to do a "mental" highlight of our last christmas as a family of "3"
You know the usual items made their appearance... fashion, games and princess items. 

She was quite a happy little girl!!!

Hope all of you enjoyed your christmas!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Here is to 2012

Last night I typed a nice long post about all I hope to accomplish and what all I hope the year can hold....

Went to publish and blogger told me I was out of storage... rut row... so for those of you who have had to purchase more memory for your site how much should I buy?

This only appeared from my ipad. Ever had that happen to you? 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 Recap

I had a blast joining in over at Rhoda's last year. This post really helps you see what all you have been able to accomplish in one short year!

We started out the year by adding a gallery wall up our stairway.
(and it didn't get blogged until August... oopsies)
 In February we printed out our first set of Ana White plans and built a book shelf for lil bit's big girl room.

Then I decided to copy-cat and add a stencil wall to the main wall in our master bedroom.
In April I decided to try my hand at upholstery and I recovered this chair.
(as you can tell I got to excited to add the tacks, conceal the bottom, or finish painting the chair before I shared the post!) haha
Then in the end of May and early June I took on my side of the road beauty!
This was a true Labor of Love!
At the end of July we left town for our first ever week long family vacation!
To Disney World we Went. And we had a BLAST!
(as you can see a pint-sized someone started taking on the "I am almost 3 attitude, Lord help me)

Then in August I striped my rug I found at Ikea for our dining room.
At the end of August a friend and I made this.
Tufting was super easy!!

In October we rented one of these machine's and blew insulation into our attic.
We also decided we were over the stenciled wall in our master bedroom and took the plunge with BM Popcorn Kernel. ALL 4 gallons it took!!
Annddd... I lurve it... like big time!!
In late October I tried my hand at a Burlee!
And this whole time we have been working our way through designing our bundle of joy's nursery!
**hope to reveal the room by new years eve... only a few finishing touches....
Head on over to Rhoda's and see what everyone else has accomplished this year!