Friday, September 30, 2011

Den Design Board-client

Do you remember the post on the completely bare den?

Well here is one of the sample boards I shared with the couple.

It is crazy how you think you are going one direction and you end up going the complete opposite!

I go this weekend to do the final install of all the accessories.

Can NO WAIT to share with you guys!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Nursery For Addison-Design Board

A friend is having a little girl and trying to figure out how to use existing paint and custom drapes and incorporate these into a nursery she loves.
These fabric options allow you to make these drapes work for the room.

For the rug bring a real punch of color to the room!
{a 4 x 6 of this Dash and Albert is only $104.00!!}

Be back soon with some accessories!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Crafts Fair

Have your local crafts fairs begun for the fall/holiday season?

We had one 2 weeks ago and look what I found for the nursery!

I just LoVE it!!

Well I am headed in this super cute fabric shop!!

Happy tuesday!

Monday, September 26, 2011

It's A ....

I have been really bad about sharing baby content on the blog lately.

Mainly because I have been soooo busy as of late.

So without further adeau.....

(via pinterest)
I have started to make my way through all the pink and pack away. 
(i secretly thought we would FOR SURE be having another girl so it was excitement and shock when we discovered it 's a boy!)

I found this banner on pinterest. I think I need to make it for when our little fella gets here!

We have started on the nursery and I hope to share some of it with you either today or tomorrow.
stay tuned for that!

I also have a pint-sized diva requesting a "once upon a time" party.
So we have started planning for that as well.

Hope we all start the week off on a good leg. 
Happy Monday all!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Humbled Again

Here I am, flirting the fine line of wanting what I do not need, and being sad/and happy something was taken from me.

All women dream of the day her prince charming will bow on one knee and vow his undying love to her and present the most beautiful sparking stone she has ever seen. It is her "symbol" to the world she is taken, and a "symbol" of his commitment to give her the finest of the world.

Well 4 LONG weeks ago my engagement ring went missing. At first, the blame was placed on our two year old. Then the denial it was missing, now that we have cleaned out every drawer, moved major appliances and even cleaned out the garage there are two assumptions. One, the ring was accidentally thrown away or the dog carried it into the yard. Or, two, someone broke in and stole it. 

Unfortunately for me, the nightmare doesn't end there. I called our insurance company to find out my husband forgot to add the jewelry rider to our policy. 

I wait a week and looked more.

I call back a second time and the lady mentions mysterious disappearance and loss. We proceed to file a claim only to discover our policy doesn't cover mysterious disappearance and the only hope of filing something is to file a stolen report with the police department and at that point, the policy then states the maximum amount awarded is $1,500.00 That doesn't even touch the original appraisal.

So, here I sit having the most pathetic pitty party I have ever had. 

To be completely honest, weary is the best word to describe it. 

I wonder why did it have to go missing, but then I keep telling myself this is happening for a reason.

I feel the lord is trying to teach me something here. 

Best I can figure right now is he is "stripping" me of my worldly possessions and showing me the covenant Casey and I made with God is all that matters and the worldly representation is nothing but for show. 

Right now I don't understand it...but I know I will... and when the lord reveals this lesson to me; you bet your bottom dollar I will be back to share.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Burlee's How to!!

Have you seen these guys??

image via bella vita
image via bella vita
image via pinterest
image via pinterest
image via pinterest
image via pinterest
image via itty bitty bella

Maybe in local home decor stores, boutiques?? and Pinterest??

They are adoreable... and surely with some craft paint, burlap and a short afternoon we could create our own... right??

So.. how do we make these cuties??

I am giving the tutorial on the football burlee!

First off, "Hi, my name is Jenny Beth and I like to make things as difficult as possible on myself. sO to save yourself the agony of painting this whole thing brown... BUY BROWN Burlap!!! Big Fat Duh JB!!"

so.. Step 1: Buy as much brown burlap as you will need, for one 1/2 a yard will suffice. I am making my mom some, and probably some pumpkins as well so I bought quite a bit.

Here are some of the "crafting" supplies you will need:
*a wide paintbrush
*skinny paintbrush (to fix the lines)
*paint in the colors you desire
*round sponge brush
*paint tray

I do apologize these tutorial pictures are via iphone but I have had several ppl around town ask me how I did mine... so here is how...

Step 2: Paint your design onto the "egg" shape. I did the brown first leaving an opening for the grey sides. 

 Step 3: Then use the round sponge brush to dot on top of the grey lines.

Freehand the football stitching at the top.

 Step 4: Accent with your left over puffer paint you have laying around...

Step 5: There are two ways to adhere the front and back of the burlee. I chose to head to the sewing machine and zip along the edges with a straight stitch. 

I have seen some at a crafts fair where they adhered with fabric glue.

**don't forget to leave an opening to "stuff" the burlee

Step 6: I made this first one super fast and in a hurry so I stuffed with craft/butcher paper. haha

The one's for sale in stores are filled with a loose bunch of pillow filling.

Step 7: Close the opening from where you stuffed.

Step 8:  Use a really wide wire from the craft store to poke a hole in the top two corners of the burlee. *Tie a little loop so the wire will not pull loose.

Step 9: Hang on your door and Enjoy!!

notice dogs and child in the background... ohh how I adore 3 little followers of EVERY step I make. :)

I am linking up over at Kellie's


Friday, September 9, 2011

Going Organic

As our family is growing/ has continued to grow we have found ways to make everyone healthier.

For those of you who remember; back in February our 4 yr old beagle Luke had a bulging disc in his back and became briefly paralyzed.

The two weeks he was unable to move we felt so hopeless. You could see the pain he was feeling in his eyes, it was aweful!

He slowly regained feeling but was still very sluggish and we could see he was not returning to his chipper self.

I talked with a grind and she suggested we add glucosamine supplements to his diet. I began to do some research and found out the food I was feeding my dog was literally killing him.

Basically any dog food with the first ingredients being corn meal or by products are fillers flavored; ours like meat. These foods are the equivalent to feeding your dog fast food everyday of their lives. No wonder he felt sluggish!!

So I did more research and found out organic dog food has all real ingredients and Fromm, the food we selected had a low activity/ senior blend and among all dog foods it had the highest level of glucosamine infused in!

We brought in a puppy in the end of April to bring Luke back to life and in early May they both began Fromm.

We can tell such a difference in how well he is getting around and how this food has helped him keep up with Lilly!

Other added bonuses, the food is so rich in meat and other ingredients we only feed the dogs one cup of food a day. And the presents they leave us are smaller. Goodbye mean ole fillers, we don't miss you at all!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Just like Christmas Eve

This morning there was an extra reason to be excited. In fact, my husband woke up acting as If it were Christmas eve!!

He rolled over, looked at me and said...TOMORROW IS GAMEDAY!!!

If I were in class today, lessons would be lighter, everyone would be in a good mood and everyone would have an extra pep in his or her step.

I wish I could explain the feeling of living on campus at the University of Alabama.

Girls living in Tutweiler were fretting over their GAMEDAY attire and comparing ensembles with one another. Others were fretting over not having a date to the game.

Tents start to arise and a soft scent of bourbon fills the air. The heat and humidity is forgotten, and talk of "the boys" is overheard all across town. My tastebuds would start to tingle for Big Bad Dog Nachos.

So here I sit 3 full years out of college. I still feel this excitement. My date is lined up, and my attire decided, the shakers are laid out, and lil bits cheer outfit has been laundered!!

The " breakfast" has been purchased; and bright and early in the morning, we will fry the bacon and listen to the GAMEDAY predictions on Sports center.

I feel the excitement my husband woke up with!! The anticipation of hearing the stadium fill with a loud Rolllllllllll.... Tide..... I in my head!!!!

I can't wait for the season opener!!!

Can you??

Sorry all the pics are from my phone;(

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Client Files-A den Story

Wanted to share with y'all something I have been working on for a client.
Here is the room.
wide open spaces....
and there are lots of fun pillows to be made...

Can't wait for you to see what we have come up with...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Family Pictures

I am so glad we were able to have some family pictures taken at the end of our marathon vacation.
A friend of Casey's from college lives in Atlanta and has started a photography business.
We jumped on the opportunity to have her get some  last shots of us as a family of 3!

lil' bit looks so serious here!

We had a great time taking these pics until a certain 2 yr. old had a naptime meltdown. haha.

If you live in the Atlanta Area and would like to get more information on our photographer please email me at

I will be happy to give you her contact info and list her site!!