Okay I am sure most of you have seen The House of Smith's Pantry facelift.
I must say i was beyond inspired and my wheels immediately began spinning!
You see Mrs. Smith owns a vinyl business, Wonderfully Wordy, therefore she had the means to use a nice amount of vinyl to create this quatrefoil design you see and paint to her hearts desire and create the most "perfect" looking pantry in America.
Well, being the absolutely Martha/ i-can-do-anything-if-i-set-my-mind-to-it me i went ah-pludering.{if that isn't a word it is now;) } I knew my husband would laugh hysterically at me if i told him i wanted to order this large amount of vinyl and actually spend $ on this project so i had to think harder....
I needed to spend less than $10.00 and create the same look.
Well if you know me at all, you know I like to have things that other people don't have, I really love different.
Well, how many people do you know that have used their favorite wedding wrapping paper from Hallmark and turned it into their absolute favorite wallpapered room in their house??
Have no fear my friends, Spray Adhesive came to the rescue.
Whenever I am ready to "change the look" all I need is my handy-dandy Magic Eraser and a slight amount of elbow grease and all the tackiness is gone.
Like in an hour.....
Here is a closeup of the pattern, has a slight sheen to it with a pretty small repeat, i.e. makes it easier to match the pattern.
Here is the whole project.
I tried my very best to eliminate as much unnecessary junk as possible.
I think the top right corner is a lost cause though. haha
Took two of my Arthur Court canisters and added them in here. The are filled with sweetnlow and soup mixes, not something i use all the time.
My sweet friend Anna wrote me a thank you note, and i just love the way she wrote our address so much i had to add it to the "decor."
Needed to add some hang tags to everything so we would know where our items were hiding. haha.
{all fonts are compliments of the incredible Amanda from www.kevinandamanda.com}
{all fonts are compliments of the incredible Amanda from www.kevinandamanda.com}
More or less, this project was really good to weed out the clutter and send everything we don't use on a daily basis out to the "satellite kitchen" in the guest house.
Speaking of the guest house: I hope to one day make it out there and begin working on projects but as i am continually learning.... slow and steady wins the race.
Also for those of you still wondering, we are going strong with the homemade detergent. Only good things to say and my pocketbook is loving the slight relief!!
Happy early Friday/ first football weekend for most of us!!
ps. did i mention i only spent 6 bucks and some change on this project??
I am linking up to Serenity Now for Amanda's weekend bloggy reading!!
and Remodelaholic's Anonymous!!
{i just love these linky parties}
I am linking up to Serenity Now for Amanda's weekend bloggy reading!!
and Remodelaholic's Anonymous!!
{i just love these linky parties}