Tuesday, June 22, 2010

On outlet unbelievable deals

I was blown away with everything entailed in thePottery Barn Outlet sidewalk sale... 
Here is a sneak peek.

This twin bed set 20.97 yes twenty bucks!!

Some lucky shopper snagged a hanging shelf to house 3 rows of books for $13. Can we say jealous??

This full size bed was 500 now 199 with 40% off!!

This was not on super clearance but sure is a lovely summer bedding set!!

Happy Tuesday evening All!!

Homemade Pickles Please!!

Recently I was reading Flythroughourwindow.com and Darby put up a recipe for homemade pickles.

Well, cannin' has always been on my bucket list so off I went to gather the ingredients needed.

 Hubby and I actually made a night of working in the kitchen together, we had a blast!!

The house did reek of vinegar and dill weed for a few hours but hey, totally worth it for the pickles.

(set out a small ramekin of baking soda and the smell will be gone within an hour)
Step1: Cut onions.

Step 2:  cut all the cucumbers

Step 3: place in mason jars

Step 4: Add cider mixture. 
Go here for the cider mixture and full directions.

Refrigerate without lids for 24 hrs. and then add lids and they are ready in 1 week. yippee.... 

Check 1 off the bucket list!!

post update: after 2 years we still have the pickle starter and all we have to do is add either regular cucumbers or pickling cucumbers to the mix and let them sit for a while sooo good!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

2009 Summer Flashback

Here is a Summer 2009 Beach trip flashback!!

Can't wait to share all that 2010 holds!!

Homemade Detergent

**lots of pinterest links at the bottom!
Recently I read a post over here At the Bunny's Bungalow on how to make your own detergent. 

As a modern day Martha, as my friends like to call me, I felt I had a "Suzy Homemaker" obligation to take a stab at this recipe!!

Easy enough right?? 

Went to my local ACE Hardware and found the fels naptha, $1.99 (1 bar grated finely)
and the Arm and Hammer Washing Soda $3.99
Then I found the Borax for $3.99 at Target.

as of 2012, Borax has changed their label (long square box)and this can be found on the aisle with cleaning products, if my memory serves me correctly next to the Pine Sol.

So for $10.00 a Batch and only 1 tablespoon per load this is a SUPER SUPER CHEAP alternative to your heavily fragranced, overpriced detergents found in your local store's shelves.
(not to mention all those dyes and fragrances are hard on your clothing)

Check out this link, i found it very helpful while I was making my detergent!!
between Two and Five Cents a Load?? Yes Please!!

Sidenote: As a Fashion Design major I was required to take a VERY informative class called Quality Control. 

In this class we learned today's detergents are actually made with fragrances that intentionally break down the fibers in your clothing.
I.E. Pilling, a screen print cracking, color fading, (i think you get the picture) stick to the good ole tried and true and your clothes will hold up longer, look better and be just as clean at a fraction of the cost.

Another note, same is true of Dishwasher Detergent, anything citrus scented actually has an enzyme in it that will leave swirl marking in your fine pottery pieces and begin to deteriorate the finish!!
Here is the recipe to clean your dishwasher!
This works wonders!!!

Update 2011: Discovered since this is considered a Non-sudsing detergent, HE safe, it is time to start cleaning the inside of the washing machine so it does not mildew.

Here is the recipe to clean your washer.

Update 2012: Husbands undershirts start to look a little dingy after about 6 months, the color almost begins to gray if you will. For now we have purchased clorox for colors for tough stains and to get these shirts whiter!

Jan 2013: I am looking at recipies to remove stains from undershirts with baking soda and vinegar. Will keep you posted as I experiment!!
I have not tried it yet but here is the pinterest link

And another for Oxiclean

I now keep distilled vinegar, borax, and washing soda on hands at all times.

washing the puppy's linens?
add an extra scoup of borax, it is an incredible cleaning agent as well as a splash of vinegar to the water.

Don't want to use a fabric softener or dryer sheets?
find a cleaning rag and an essential oil you like.
I usually use orange oil, soft but clean citrus scent.
Place 2 or 3 dabs on the cloth and drop into the load.

Whew now lets get cleaning!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

It's about Twine, i mean time..

HAHAHA okay now that you all know i am the corniest person on the planet just wanted to let you know i am still here and have LOTS LOTS LOTS to share this week. 

My goal is to post twice a day for 7 days.

Let's see if i can live up to that promise....

In the past 14 days i have cleaned, sewed, painted, cleaned, did dishes, lost my job and started applying for new ones, made homemade pickles, cleaned out the attic, gone through all of baby's clothes since birth (HUGE UNDERTAKING) what else??? Did i mention i lost my job?? 

It's really okay, honestly it is such a blessing to know the lord has ultimate control. Things have been tense at work since our dispatcher was given orders to return to active duty with the Coast Guard, more was placed on my plate and my supervisor's. I have been praying the lord would show me his will and if this is where i needed to remain. After praying that prayer thursday night, he answered it at 4:01pm friday afternoon. I think the president of the company was a little shocked with how "at peace" I was with everything.....
All that being said I have had some other very very exciting opportunities 
the lord has also laid on my heart,
they require that leap of faith into the unknown....

It will require me to be very diligent, use my creativity to it's fullness, 
and allow me the opportunity to be with my sweet blessing ALOT more.

In the words of a true southerner, "If yall are prayin' people, join me in lifting these 
concerns before the lord."

Heavenly Father, Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be at peace with my current circumstance. You have never failed me, and I know your love will comfort me in my times of despair.
God, show me how to trust you even more, I give my talents, and thoughts and financial concerns to you. Continue to humble me at your feet and show me how to show your love to each i encounter. 
Romans 8:25
But when I look forward to what i do not yet have I wait for it patiently and confidently!!

Love you all dearly and thank you for being such dear friends.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Smitten with Charleston

It's no secret I am in love with Charleston, South Carolina.
It's dreamy, fully of history and such a romantic city.

 I can not wait to return there soon. I would have you meet me on this porch to talk about our shopping plans, and sip on some good cold sweet tea.
Then we could grab our bikes and ride down to the boat slip and ride on over to Mt. Pleasant and meet up with my dear friend Laura Jenkins Thompson!!
Then we would return home for dinner on the veranda, with sweet tea of course!! 

Just dreaming, and longing to return to a city that feels just like home!!
Happy Wednesday bloggy friends!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Prim and Proper

I have been meaning to share this room for quite some time and am just now getting around to it. 

You see this room, it is my mom's absolute favorite in her home. 

This is where she likes to curl up and take her afternoon nap, its the frilly, "do not touch" room. 

I am not kidding you when i tell you we were only able to step foot in there within the past 5 years.

Mom LOVES, loves, LOVES pink and green, so DUH on the color scheme when she orchestrated this room.
This chair makes me swoon!!
Wish I could say this was a thrifty find, but mommy was a good girl and saved all her allowance to purchase her!!

Some of my other favorites in the room are mom's Herend collection, and my nannie's china and crystal.

Here is my nannie, sometime before her wedding to my pawpaw in the 40's. 
Love it!!
 Snuck a pic of mama reading some of her fancy schmancy, practical living room literature  after conversing with me by the pool for a few minutes.... 
she will kill me for uploading this. hehe. sorry had to.
Hope you are all having a wonderful tuesday!!

Monday, June 14, 2010


So the time has come.... to hang my new front door.... I am super super excited about this....
Here is a little look at our process, and late last night we got the rest of the glass cleaned off....

I love you guys and all but i had to blurr out the numbers to my house,
there are too many crazys in the world to share everything!!

And After!!

Now doesn't the front look soo.... much better??

Thanks Mr. Kim for helping us hang the door, and he was right, staining wasn't hard at all....

As you can also see, our landscaping looks alot better than it did before, still a little bit to do but we have come quite a long way in one short year!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Super Savings

After reading a very exciting post on hip2save.com i headed out to CVS in hopes of some deals... I think i did pretty well.....
Above is a pack of CVS brand diapers (which i actually like and as we embark on potty training, they are great!!)
a pack of pacifiers

2 bottles of Aveeno baby shampoo/body wash

a bottle of huggies baby wash

As you can see from my receipt, the diapers were 9 something down to 3.99, got buy one get one with my coupon stacking and the sale, the 4.00 paci's for 99 cents.

Total purchase $7.82
Total Savings $48.86

I think i like these kinds of deals!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Something Pretty

Would love to be sitting at this dining room table conversing with friends and family!!

Hope everyone is having a lovely Tuesday!!

stay tuned  for....

 super savings,

one of my favorite rooms to sit in,

and the reveal of our master bedroom

and  last but not least our new front door!!