Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts

Sunday, August 26, 2012

7 months old

I am a few days behind on sharing these pictures. 

In the past week and a half baby boy cut 2 teeth, went from army crawling to full blown crawling (although army is still faster..)
We had our first stomach virus, made our first trip to the ER and.. pulled up on the furniture for the first time. 

I lost my little baby and started gaining a big boy :(

I tell ya he is a talker!! Even when he had the stomach bug he smiled and chattered away. 

Here is a sample of our fabulous 6 month photo session. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Six.5 months

I hope to actually print these stat pages and pictures one day soon for the kids. Oh the to do list.
C man,
It seems like in a mere 3 weeks you have changed and grown soo much! You have started to truly baby babble. Mainly da da da da... On Friday aug 3, you started army crawling. You are the absolutely
Happiest baby I have ever encountered. I am so incredibly thankful for such a happy healthy baby. We went to daddy's family reunion in Heber springs, Arkansas 2 weeks ago and you Loved the boat and the lake.

You are still in size 2 diapers and drinking a 6 ounce bottle. Right now we are eating a fruit in the morning and a food pouch medley at night. You go to sleep at 7:30 and almost on the nose sleep for 12 hours. Like I said. Dream baby! We love you Connor man!

Can't believe you will be 7 months old next week!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

6 months.. The Gear

Over the past few months I have had several moms either expecting or with a little one ask how I have done things differently with number two than number one. 
(I am by NO means an expert, but after years of nannying I have learned a few tricks over the years!)

Honestly not much has changed... except the gear. 

We try to be consistent with naps, feedings, and love. 

We try not to over react when baby falls over while sitting, etc. 
(trying to not promote inner drama queen/kings.. haha)

Gear wise we have not spent a fortune but Thoroughly enjoyed the things we ARE using!

Here are our "use daily" go to items.

Thought I would number this to make things easy.

1. Fischer Price Jumparoo- as of recently little bear is loving this thing! A dear friend is letting us          borrow it and I fear we may wear it out! haha
2. Oh my Momaroo! We are still going strong using this thing! Baby loves to sit in here every morning!
3. Baby Jogger City Select- Thankfully a local third party discount store had this incredible stroller for 1/3 of the retail price. I LOVE being able to transition from single to double stroller. Our 3 year old will still occassionally ride and that makes store manuevering easier for sure!
4. Baby Bjorn Bouncer- Said local discount retailer also had this bouncer for 90% off of the discounted  price. I snatched this sucker up for $9.00 and have used it for everything from a beach seat to a modified highchair.
5. Boppy- This thing is soo transitional great for new born baby bottle feeding or nursing and then supported proping and now nestled behind baby for our wobbly sitting. I tear when I have to put this up! At my mom's house we use my brothers 20 year old boppy and the family I predominately sat for gave me theirs. New cover and this sucker has been a champ with Connor being the 6th child to use it!
6. Sophie Teether- We have been drooling since 3 months and still no tooth in sight, this has been a great toy to satiate the need to gnaw.
7. Sophie the Giraffe- Well for starters she is absolutely adoreable. Every child who seems this toy or has one lights up! They are just great to carry around in the bag to keep baby occupied.
8. Aden and Anais Swaddle Blankets- I have now purchased 2 sets of these blankies and might head for more! My baby will ONLY sleep with them and I adore how light they are throughout these summer months.
9. Boon bottle drying rack- Last go around I had the Dr. Brown's rack. It was so ugly and bulky!! So glad I decided to purchase this one this time around. So... easy to drop various baby accessories in here.
10 Baby Bjorn Bib- For those ultra messy feedings at first this is awesome! Does a great job catching all the food!
11. Skip Hop Puppy Activity toy- This toy has like 4 in one. This has been the only toy we have bought for brother seeing as sister had lots of "first toys" and I thought he needed one of "his own" The rattle, squeeker, teether all of it keeps him engaged for quite some time. 
12.Plum Organics Baby Food- We have tried several brands from gerber, earth's best, Up and Up and ella's kitchen. The flavors and combos in this brands seems to be my baby's favorite. Helps that previous mentioned retailer has bulk of these items and I can get them for a great price!
13.Boon Attachable Spoon for Plum Organics- At like $4.00 this attachable spoon screws onto the pouch baby food. It has made a fidgety hungry baby situation soo much easier! I also love it comes with a storing case so I do not loose them!
14. Boon Fillable baby Spoon- Similar to the attachable spoon this spoon is hollow and made of silicone. At most retailers this is about $10.00 I found a plethora of them at TJ Maxx so I bought several  for $2.99. This is great if I have jars of food that I know will be messy when we are out to eat and I want to save the pouches for school. I just load up our pears, mangos, or homemade avocado's and off we go!!

(everything mentioned above can be found at Babies R Us, Target, or online at Amazon)

What are your favorite baby items? I love seeing how things change between kids and How you get to try out all new items!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sitting Up

The other day we were over at my parents house. 
We started talking about how much the baby is changing and I jokingly propped him up on the ground as if he could sit up on his own. 

To my amazement he could!!
Just a little wobbly but boy oh boy he was sitting up!! 
Yesterday morning we snagged a few quick minutes before school to get some pictures of him!

of course we had to let sister sneak in for a few!

And I just had to throw this one in there of how sweet the hand embroidery on his top is. Just adore it!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

3 month recap

Gosh this month flew by!!
lots of newborn hair started falling out and soft short dirty blonde started filling in.
You are still in size 1 diapers but I bought SOOO many size 2's we are going ahead and using those.

between 12-13 pounds
smiling and talking NON Stop!!
loves to watch fans and his crazy big sister!

Paw paw came to see me for the first time since I was born.
We got to go and meet 2 of paw paw's sisters for lunch when he was in town!

Spent some time hanging out in the double stroller while mommy and daddy worked in the yard.

Such a happy happy boy!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Baby Dedication

On Mother's Day we dedicated our sweet boy.
We made a commitment before the lord to raise him in the admonition of the lord, and a christian home.

Such an incredible charge that you daily are striving to live up to. 

little fella was worn out from missing his morning nap.
Here is hubs with his momma and half brother.
And somehow we managed to not get any pics with my family. 
typical. haha
Hope everyone had a wonderful mothers day!

And now I realize I have no picture of him all decked out in his outfit... I will need to take that pic!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

4 months old!

I cannot believe my little man is 4 months old!!
Yesterday, he laughed for the first time. 
He is the happiest, easiest going baby ever. 
I am sooo thankful the lord blessed us with such an angel!
He is always smiling and "talking" to us.

be back later with mothers day and a 3 month recap!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Modern Eclectic Nursery Redesign- client

Let me start off by saying I absolutely ADORE this girl!! 
We had a blast making this room more functional for her precious 11 month old.

A room she can transition from baby into the toddler years very easily!
We used alot of what they already had and just made the room make more sense for the current stage of life they are in. 

adoreable alphabet letters with a collection of poms for baby girl to look at.

I shared a pinterest tutorial with the mommy and she and her husband whipped up this adoreable tent for their daughter to play in.

Did I mention the mom is an artist??

She did this incredible painting and I thought it would be so fun and playful in the space!!

Is this little red chair not the cutest thing in the whole world??

We used two placemats and put them together for the perfect chair size pillow!

I adore this 3sprouts organic line. 
Such cute and functional storage for kids rooms!!
(you can find it really cheap on amazon!)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Three whole months

This little fella turned 3 months old on Sunday!!!
We have previously had issues with this little guy adding on some "chunk" as I like to call it. He is just now 11 lbs 6 oz and 26.5" long. He is soooo long and lean!!

He has been truely sleeping through the night for quite some time now and has become obsessed with his activity mat!!

He is such an incredible baby and he makes me want to have 10 more!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

2 months old

This baby is growing quicker than I EVER imagined!!!

Since we will be 3 months old next week I figured it was high time to show some 2 month pics.
Sweet boy FINALLY started putting on some weight!
He was born at 7 lb. 11oz, dropped to 7 lb 3oz when we left the hospital and stayed at 8 pounds until close to 6 weeks.
At this six week growth spurt he got up to 10 lb. 3 oz.

Alot of this was due to sleeping for too long at a time and needing more to eat. 
Around a month we started to suppliment with some formula. He got used to eating a good six ounces total, 3 or so nursing and 3 from a bottle. 

The whole supplimenting thing super stressed me out with AC but I was VERY happy to not have put that pressure on myself this time. I am just glad to be offering the majority of my child's nourishment at this time!
(as it warms up I may no longer nurse, we were both sweating profusely at the egg hunt saturday, no fun) TMI?
C was going to sleep around 11 and waking up about 4:45-5:30.

Not happy about his shots :( he only cried for a quick minute which made mommy feel better.
Getting ready to bathe brother in his bathroom!
At 6 weeks on the nose he started smiling (at Mrs. Lisa Danielson while at dinner) He hasn't stopped since and we love hearing his sweet baby cooes.
8 weeks in this picture
already not wanting to take pictures with sister.. oh lordy!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Sunday School Sip n See

Sooo not quite sure how this slipped my mind but somehow I have never blogged the sip n see our sunday school class threw for C.

We met at one of my favorite Italian Restaurants and enjoyed dinner and cupcakes and opened sweet happies for our baby boy!

Mrs. Kim Loving on our sweet boy

We have thoroughly enjoyed the clothes. 
I am so thankful all these sweet ladies took time out of their busy schedules to hang out and get to know each other better. 

Thanks again ladies!