Showing posts with label growing up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label growing up. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lately.... Fall 2013

Whew.... ever since baby Whit was born I have felt like a whirlwind of life has happened.

Seriously, like I am a gerbil endlessly running a wheel leading to nowhere, and there is nowhere to get off!

Next week is reveal week and I am "loosing hope" that we will have the bathroom completed by then. 
These challenges are fun but DANG does 6 weeks fly fast!

In other news it just hit me I have not done the "moved in with furniture post" of the house. 
Basically, I cant keep my house picked up with 3 under 4 long enough to take the pics. 

People are all like, "I don't know how you do it?"
I'm all... "ughhh don't come over. Looks like Hiroshima up in here."

Then sweet local customers stop by to pick up stuff and I feel terrible because this place is so crazy. 
New policy is clean room, close door, no reentry!

Now onto some fun stuff....
 This sweet bunny usually falls asleep sitting up around dinner time. He takes an afternoon nap but never fails. We go to pick up toys before we sit down for dinner and he is either on the couch, in the swing, or his bouncer and he crashes. 
Ps. this is like my favorite pj outfit ever and its starting to get too small which makes me super sad :( 
He is officially not a newborn anymore.

And this crazy... Well... he is just flat CRAZY!
Bathed the baby the other morning, when to put a diaper on him and I hear splashing. 
I immediately grabbed my camera and snapped this pic. 
He got in baby's bath and proceeded to bathe himself in his clothes... 
SOO my life right now. And it makes me laugh!!

Off to start breakfast and make lunches. 
Happy Tuesday All!

Monday, October 14, 2013

3 month old

With each child it has seemingly taking me longer and longer to surface to normal and get in a good groove. 

I think with this sweet fella it has been right about 3 months. 

And an excess of coffee seems to be my fuel.

This sweet angel eats every 3 hours.

 He and c-bug have really started to interact a little more. 
Connor talks to him and Whit cooes to respond. 

He is by far the chubbiest of all my babies and I am loving squeezing on his chubby little legs. 

At his 3 month check up he was kicking all over the place.
Dr. said this was great and showed he would be advanced in his language. (will let you know on that one)
He weighed 12 pounds and his length was i think 24" so he has not grown much in length since birth. 
both weight and height are in the 25%.

We smile ALL the time and he loves to be talked to.
And he LOVES his bassinet. 
It's a safe place brother can't pick him up!

 As you can see we are on the move!!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Whit 3 Month Portraits

On the perfect fall afternoon we met our photographer at a new spot in town to get the perfect sunset pictures of our 3 month munchkin.

I will let the pictures speak for themselves. 

I love Jamie and how she is able to capture my babies so well.

Thank you sooo much Oh Snappy Day Photography!

Monday, September 30, 2013

W 3 months old

Some how I managed to forget to upload these pictures.
Thankfully I wrote down his stats at these times so I could go back and log them later.

He is nursing every 2 hours during the day and every hour and a half at night.

Still not sleeping through the night but we are working on different things to see what works, bath at night, fresh diaper before bed, another 2 oz topper before sleep, swaddling, some tylenol, reflux medicine and maalox, heating pad on his tummy, rubbing his tummy, nursing him to sleep, some gripe water... all of the above, some of the above, saying a few prayers..... 

At some point we collapsed and hoped the next night was better.

Still in size 2 diapers.

He loves any paci, any bottle and mommy.

He sleeps great in the swing during the day.

He looks SOOO different than the other two! 

We just can't wait to see who he ends up favoring.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

First Day of Pre-k

I cannot wrap my mind around this being our last year at home with my big girl. 

Soooo much has changed and happened in her short little life and this summer she just blossomed from a toddler into a little girl.
She definately has my sarcastic sense of humor and makes me laugh all the time. 

She loves her school and I am just shocked by all she has absorbed there. 
One day this past spring, just driving down the road... she starts reciting the Pledge of Allegaince. I was shocked and all "where did you learn that??" 
At hope mommy, my school... duh!!

I cant wait to see what all she suprises me with this year. 

Our goal is to start kindergarten writing her name and being able to read herself some basic books. 
She is Dying to learn how to read!!
And I love to watch her desire to do these things!!

Here is to an awesome fall!!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Baby w two months old

I thought the first month flew by... Whew... We were finally settling in after getting back from Atlanta.
Getting to just sit at night and relax and hold my baby was exactly what the dr ordered!!
We were able to get his reflux meds all figured out and he started to just sleep the night away and Love bathtime!!!
Chubby bunny!!!!!
Oh! We discovered this little mister is quite cold natured!!! He Must be swaddled almost all the time!! 

Glad I bought a little bunting for this fall to keep him extra cozy and warm ;)
Around 7 weeks he starte to blow bubbles and Smile!! I thought my heart would burst when I saw this smile for the first time! 

Right at right weeks he got a touch of the sniffles the rest of the family had. 
His little fave got so swollen!! 
And if course he made his roll tide public service announcement on Facebook! 
An here we are in the "monthly" picture chair.
Forgive me... I forgot at 4 weeks and just this week ordered the belly stickers! So next month.... Look for those! 
Happy 2 months William Thomas! 
Can Not wait to hear your sweet laugh soon! You are smiling up a storm so I know it's around the corner! 

Monday, September 2, 2013

C 18 months

Oh this baby!!! He is so adventurous! Has such a sweet tender spirit and Loves to help. 

He suprises me with how obedient he is and how well he listens. Now, that doesn't mean he doesn't test me ALL day long!!

As of late he has become a real daddy's boy! 

His favorite words are:
Owie!! (Spoken in a British accent)
Mommie (again in a British twang)
Chinch ewe (thank you)
Stairs (as in "I did stairs, aka fell on the stairs)
Duce Duce (juice)
Baby wheh ( for whit)
I love you

We are pretty impressed with his words! Although he gets frustrated he has done a great job articulating what he is wanting or needing. 

And an obsession with trains and cars have taken hold! He loves woodybuzz (only one word. They are a group deal) and we just got a new woody doll he is obsessed with.

I love hearing on the baby monitor the woody cord pulled and "there's a snake in my boots!!" Nothing says good morning bubba like good ole woody! 

Enjoy the iPhone picture dump! Hope to upload camera pics from this summer this week while we are relaxing!!