Saturday, December 15, 2012

11 months old

 This month was all about distraction.

We became extremely independant, and decided we hated our socks!
We switched to a totally solids diet and filled in the gaps 3-4 times a day with a 5-6 oz bottle.

Still in a size 3 diaper.
He jumped from the 15% percentile for weight to the 50% and height is still at or above 95%

We added a few more words to our repotoire.
mama (been saying this)
dada (been saying this)
uuu aka Luke the beagle
thank you
dat, when he points to something he wants
choo, for his thomas trains

I cant think of the others.

He also started waving to everyone and blowing kisses.

He is still exploring and testing his limits with climbing.

And I might add... this child NEVER stops!!!

All go... all the time!!

1 comment:

Jessie Jones said...

So very precious! I love your pictures!