Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Twenty Eight

I wish I had more insightful things to say about what I have planned for 28.

(image courtesy of pinterest)

I would like to think this is the year I get me back.





A little at a time we have continued to simplify the clutter and "noise" in our home.

There is still alot to be done and more ground to cover than I anticipated but I am glad we are moving in the right direction.

Living more intentionally.

And investing in those around us who take the time to also invest in us.

I made a resolution to whenever someone is on my mind to text that person. 

I am so glad I have!
Dear friendships have picked up right where they were left off, ones I didn't realize how much I missed until now and I could not be more thankful to have these awesome friends beside us, just doing life!

So, twenty eight.... her is to making the end of the 20's all you hoped it would be.

Making up for lost time... and truly living each day to the fullest.

Yesterday was me day... I spent it making shorts, and monogramming, and stopping to change barbie's clothes, eat a cupcake with friends, change diapers, let the dogs in and out, wait for the mail, and do some laundry.

Pretty mundane, but quite honestly... I was with my family and living the life I only dreamed of a few short years ago. 
That to me makes it pretty awesome!


Heather Lewis said...

Happy Birthday! Hope 28 is full of fun , memories, and taking to many pictures =]

Jessie Jones said...

We have a lot of the same goals for this year! Hope it was a fantastic birthday! :-)