
Friday, May 13, 2011

Egg Hunt

How am I just now remembering to post these pictures??
We went up to the school where I teach for an egg hunt and unfortunately this is the only one we made it to this year.
It was unbelievably cold this day;
but we didn't let that stop us from having a good time.

things started off great with the hunt.
I loved how they actually age divided and it wasnt a parents competiton for who's kids could get the most eggs.
(you have met this type, i have been known to be this type at children's clothing consignment sales. shh dont tell)
pawpaw came in town for the weekend and was able to offer some pretty sweet pointers.

then we found a pretty sweet stash in some ivy.

we tried to take a family pic and this was as good as it got.

you know a little gleeful dance for a successful hunt. 
then a boy asked for some of her eggs.
how rude!!
jk we gladly shared.
I did manage to squeeze in a little smile at the end.

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