
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ziggity Zag

One of my many new years resolution's was to teach myself to upholster.
disregard the feet... they look like they are waiting on the flood... literally.
and no... the painting is still not quite like I want it. maybe next week when we are out of school.

My mom gave me this chair when we moved into our home. I knew it had tons of potential but it was one of those way way down on the to do list.
Unfortunately I did not document this adventure.. (i know i know i should have) but there were alot of bruises, hang nails, curse words,  bummed fingers you know the usual when you are learning something new...
I did however get to borrow my friends staple gun to adhere the new fabric!! yahoo!!
Did I mention it took me 2 weeks to get the old fabric off?? far too long. 
notice my cute little side table??
I found out about her through Three Men and a Lady
She found this table at Kohl's Who would have thought??
isn't her room to die for??
I loaded the top of the table with only some of my fave's.
the elle mag a friend got me on her trip to paris. thanks kara!
and that candle is HEAVEN, its volcano from anthropologie.

Since taking this picture in early march,(yes I am that behind in blogging) the chair has found it's permenant perfect home at the foot of my bed. Can't wait to show you!


  1. I'm dying to learn to upholster! I've had a chair in my bedroom for 5 years in need of new fabric. Do you have any pointers or sites you used with good info? It looks GREAT!

  2. Yippee!! Yay for blog posts!!

    Oh- and the chair is pretty cute too. ;)


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