
Saturday, May 14, 2011


Two weeks ago we took a trip down to go and see Casey's family. 

While we were there we escaped for the day to sneak over to my most favorite place in the whole wide world... destin, florida.
We did some much needed shopping and bought the hubs some new work shoes.
Then hit up one of our fave hangouts and got about 2 hours of beach time in.

We used this moment while we waited as prime photo op time.

this was her favorite thing...
digging her hands way deep down in the sand and then flinging the sand up in the air. 
pretty sure i scrubbed her scalp forever trying to get all the tiny grains of sand out...

she had a blast playing on the swingset.

but like most good things, they must come to an end so we packed up and headed home to Mimi's.

Can't wait to go back again.


  1. I LOVE the Back Porch! Last summer we stayed in the condos in front of the Back Porch and ate there almost everyday! LOVE the cute pics!

  2. isn't that restaurant the best?? we used to stay in those condos too!!!

  3. Aaahhh!! We head down in 18 days (not that I'm counting or anything!!), and I am already craving Back Porch! My all time fave restaurant, EVER!


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