Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Nursery Diaries: Wall color and Painting the Dresser

 Remember the styleboard I shared with you all about a week ago??
Well it's high time we start working on this room so let me show you where we started. 
Originally, pre knowing the sex of the baby we were doing Aqua, then I thought a creamed white would be nice, but when we found out we were having a boy at 14 weeks I decided we MUST have blue walls, at least for a short while.

So Outlands Dainty Blue by Valspar it was!!
(a very greyish blue)
Then we knew we needed to start working on refinishing the chest of drawers we already owned. 
Right about this time I discovered a Pin on Pinterest about using a graywash!!

Took me literally an hour, let it dry for 3 days then went back with a clear top coat to seal it. 
And I couldn't be happier!!

And for the crib... we got it put together and I immediately made the skirt out of the Kravet Dotkat fabric!!
Just wanted to give you a quick sneak peek.
Promise to show more once the bedding is finished...
Good project for Thanksgiving weekend??

I hope I can finish it!

Here are a few other pins I am hoping can inspire me to complete the room for the big reveal!!

Completing a seating area.

Finish my strand of "sardine" fish

Complete his mobile

Add a few cutesie touches...

And most importantly wash all of his precious new tiny clothes...

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