
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The story of a Hare

We woke up late this past saturday morning begging to head back over to grammy and pop's house.

You see my mom has an EXTREME obsession with bunny rabbits.

In the past 2 weeks we have spotted a wild bunny around their home. He has been across the street, in the neighbors yard, under a bush; then we saw him within 10 feet from my parents front door when we went to leave friday night!!!

 (Real life picture here people.... a boy with his chock milk, bunny cup and his blankets! another obsession!)

So we woke up sat morning and I knew I had to show them.... 

Big sister watched in amazement as I told her about a little girl named Sloane, who lives at the beach and has a wild bunny who comes to her door pretty often. 

Of course she gave me the "prove it" face. So I pulled up Erika's blog and showed her the pictures she shares!

Both of my kids began to squeal in delight!!!!

We then immediately picked up the phone to call grammy and see if the bunny ate the celery and carrots we put out the night before.

A few nibbles were taken she said! 

Hopefully.... my moms dream will come true and the funny wild hair will stick around and my kids can enjoy such a rare experience of life with a bunny foo foo!!!


  1. We have one in our neighborhood too! It hangs out at our neighbors mostly since my mighty 10 lb Cavalier King Charles runs it off when she sees it. I think it snoozes in my front flower bed. There is always a mushed down spot. Once I was working in the back flower bed one 4th of July and my husband told me to look to the left...sure nuf I had a grey bunny staring at me. So fun!!!

  2. Those pictures of them at the computer are so sweet! We have wild bunnies everywhere here (seriously, almost as common as squirrels!) I tried to tell everyone that they are a rarity in Memphis and nobody believes me! Maybe I'll be quick enough to take a pic of the next few I see and send them your way ha!

  3. Beyond precious! Love stories like this!


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