
Monday, June 24, 2013

An Update!

For those of you who have called, texted, emailed, facebooked, instagramed, everything to check in on baby!
As of right now he or she is very content not budging so the plan is for now to carry on with life and let a csection be our last resort at 41 weeks.

In other news we have worn our knees out praying we are making the right decision, trusting the lords timing is right and praying for peace over the selling of our home. 

I have a peace right now that eerily, honestly passing all understanding that we have made the right decision.

I have painted bible verses on walls before repainting them, prayer walked this place and I am very happy to report there is a lovely family taking possession of our home a week from wednesday. 

Everything, every SINGLE step of the way has been the lords doing. 

They were the second people to look at the home. 

I prayer walked before they viewed it and when their agent called I just knew it was meant to be. 

soooo here comes the NO you ARE NOT crazy but OH YES WE ARE crazy part....

You know my official due date is July 9th... right?
So we will close here the 3rd, begin packing, etc on the 4th, on the 8th hope to close on an extreme fixer upper we found in our ideal school district in the suburbs.

And if baby isnt here from then we will go to the hospital either the 9th for an induction or the next week for a scheduled c section to welcome our new bundle of joy.

The lords timing is perfect. I know this.... for those of you that know I am an EXTREME type A organized planner you know the lord is ROCKING my world with this whole thing. 

I have been very hesitant to share this information with the general public because of our terribly horrible awful experience last year where the sell fell through the day before closing.

But again, I am really freaking everyone out with how calm I am and all I can say.... the lord has given me a complete and total peace that I cannot explain and he is carrying the situation.

If I can ask for one thing its your prayers.
Specifically the sell of our buyers home, the people purchasing their home have a contingency, they have a contingency, and we have a contingency.
We are #3 in the domino of people house changing.
Pray for smooth appraisals, repairs on inspections to be made in a timely fashion, and everyone's financing to hold solid so this domino doesn't crash. Pray the lord continues to bless everyone's financing involved.

Pray for my husband as he is amazing beyond belief for dealing with my raging hormones as we attempt to move and EVERY SINGLE person is watching me like I am an EGG about to hatch. 

Pray for my inlaws as they have graciously offered to come up here for an unknown amount of time to help us get settled and unpack.

And pray for my four year old. She is very excited about moving but obviously apprehensive and not sure how we are going to get all her things to a new house. This is the only place she has ever known and I want to make sure this doesn't rock her little world in a negative way.

End result, the me sharing with yall our exciting news is more a massive prayer request.

Thankfully we have sorted through alot since last summer and dont have alot of extras of things we dont just love or dont currently need. 
Hopefully that will mean a quicker move. 

Hope to be back again before the move with a few last things to share. 
Love each and every one of you who take the time to read this crazy thiing!
You all are such a blessing!


  1. Praying for a smooth closing, smooth move and a smooth delivery,,,,love y'all!!!

  2. Praying for yall girl! Lots of things happening all at one time. The Lord has the perfect plan for you !

  3. Saying prayers for you sweet friend! The Lord is doing something amazing for you, I'm sure of it! Good luck, God bless and we can't wait to hear more of your updates!

  4. You are an inspiration! I love how you worded your post with such enthusiasm and prayerfulness. It was beautiful. I agree that God's timing is supreme, even when it doesn't seem to make sense to us. It WILL all work out and you will look back on this time of your life with a big smile some day and say, "We did it!" :) Best of luck with everything and hope to hear a great story of closing on the house and then having the baby real soon!


Love hearing your opinions and feedback!!
As always thanks for reading!