Monday, June 7, 2010

2 Year Anniversary

Two years ago today, i was burning up, (it was a record high, lemme tell ya) and sooo excited about spending the rest of my life with the man of my dreams.

We had a wonderful evening last night celebrating!! I am so thankful for all the lord has given us. 
My cup runs over!!!

This is from our dinner last night, my sweet hubby took me to my favorite shopping center and bought me a new outfit!! LOVE HIM!!

Happy monday Yall.

Jewelry time

Okay so come home Friday night
And Internet down.... Awesome.

So weekend blogging was non-existent.

With Internet being down I was able to finally devote time to making some new earrings.

I didn't have an earring stand so my sorority pin box will do just fine.

Now just have to get creative in my closet and make these pieces rock!! Try to blog more later.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday

One of my sorority sisters from college is hosting, Thankful on Thursday. I think i will join!! If you have never read Gini's blog its great!! so cute and she always inspires me to save more!!!

this Thursday I am thankful for my sweet husband, in 4 short days we will have been married for 2 years, i can't believe how quickly time flies!!
{this is 2 weeks after we started dating and
 he came home with me for a wedding and to meet my parents!!}

We have been through ALOT in the past 2 years and at the end of the day there is nothing like coming home and curling up on the couch with your best friend!!
  • He makes me laugh, sometimes i laugh so hard i cry....,
  • he makes me some of the most creative and delectible (sp?) food {my man can cook!!, (said with a paula deen accent)}
  • and most importantly he loves me and respects me. 
I am so thankful the lord brought him into my life, and everytime he tried to get my attention, and i blew him off... OH LORD thank you for his patience.(I will tell that story on our anniversary, stay tuned) We all know i can be slightly dramatic at times. hehe ;)

Go on over here to Gini's blog and see what she is thankful for this thursday... her Little Claire will melt your heart!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Room to Grow

So.... it has taken me far far too long to  get Anna Caroline's room the way i would like it, I am at the tip of the iceburg almost there and just busting at the seems to share with you guys, so without further adeu, the almost, not quite finished room!!
Sorry, she refused to move, she would just stand there and twirl her hair... okay so here it goes, found a sign like the Grace sign over the closet at a shab-fabulous store by my parents that I loved, but not for 98.00!!
So I bought a piece of wood and got to work, for $5.00 i think it looks pretty dang good. 
The plates on the left have lillies painted on them with bumble bees flying nearby, found these in mom's attic.

The piece of furniture with missing wood, well this is a side of the road, authentic Pottery Barn piece, throw this to the curb because one piece of wood is missing?? I think not, now if i can just remember to buy the wood when i am at the home improvement store i will be doing really well.

This painting our sweet babysitter painted for us as a gift when i told her i was wanting a soft girly feel, and the idea of ballerina's came to mind. One day soon Candace will be selling her pieces for lots of money and i will gladly be a showcase home. ;)

This gorgeous lamp I actually found sitting in my cousin's garage, he graciously gave it to me, it was his Grannie's.

And this picture fram came from my most favorite store in town.
This store is so original, always new and exciting things to see.

Below is the right side of the room,  the gown on the right is the christening gown my mom made for my children, yes it is super girly, but my mom and i designed it so even my sons will wear this....

I ADORE this hook holding the christening gown!!

Here are a few close ups of the dress, we did godet insertions, love the hand embroidery R mom created and the puffing in the godet insertions.

 And Here is the bed, if you remember from my previous post on the bedding, this comforter was a bed in a bag, that i added the lilly pulitzer shams to (on clearance for $11 a piece at the lilly store) and the painting above her bed i found on I did not like the $195 or $250 price tag associated with this piece so i grabbed a paintbrush and went to work.... What do you think??
HERE is the link to the original.....

So i leave you with one parting question..... with the view of the room when you walk in directing you to a blank wall.... do i have a vinyl decal quote printed?? or fill the wall with about 9 of these??
 This is the view of the room when you walk in.... pretty bare, don't you just love the bed rails??
I love the pom balls in the corner and so does AC, when we lay down at night she watches them twirl from the fans breeze, its like a big kids mobile. haha..... HELP... what to do with the wall.....

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A nice long weekend.

While lying in my bed i was thinking about all that i have been forgetting to post lately.... so enjoy the randomness..... I am in full out, lets finish this "decorating the inside of the house thing"... my wardrobe is starting to look tired, on a budget or not it needs a little bit of sprucing....

 Well this weekend we will be doing a little of this, cant wait to take my ice cream maker out of the box and use the old family recipe!!
I will also be doing lots of this, (found this photo on google, and adore this fabric)

And a tiny bit of this, just painting below the chair rail in the dining room....
I wish i was lying when i tell you our back yard truly doesn't look like this but the fact of the matter is, well, it does, buying a foreclosed home means you buy a very very unkempt backyard, needing lots of weed and vine killer and even more love. Yesterday we headed out in the yard by 8 am. All ready to get to work, within the hour Casey had been stung by a bee on his finger and we had only removed one small portion of the kudzu from in between the pretty bushes it had over grown... Our front yard is starting to look good, but the backyard, totally different story..... Can't wait to share the before's and after's but with our slow progress back there it may be a while before i have anything exciting to show you.
And this afternoon and tomorrow we will be at the rents, relaxing by the pool. Can't wait for lunch with some dear friends, then we will all hopefully pile up and head on over to relax...
Here I am with my sister by the pool, disregard the fact she looks to be of a different race, she spent the past few weeks in Destin, and yes i look beyond pale, i mean its fine i am out in the sun at least right??

Okay wonderfully awesome people, gotta go shower for church, do some more cleaning and get breakfast started before hubby and baby awake... Hope you all enjoy your time off, say a prayer for our courageous soldiers who proudly defend us while we comfortably relax at home. They have given us the freedom we take way to much for granted!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Time to relax

Ever have one of those days... 
Not a bad day, just.. well, needing to pamper yourself?? 
Well, I am... Finishing other posts tomorrow!

Nitey night love birds!!

Getting crafty

Recently I found this beautiful wreath and decided this would be my new project for the front door I will post the after when I reveal the door!!

My mom was recently cleaning out her attic and found an old square wreath... 

Here is midway though the project....

Won't that look amazing??

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Room For Heather

One Day when we are old and gray Heather will be sitting in this little quaint kitchen under her absolutely gorgeous ruffled tableskirt sipping tea waiting on me to stop by.

And maybe just maybe if she loves this enough we could make one for her room.
Here are several things we could highlight in her room, she wants a mature pink toile print and I was immediately drawn to this, but knowing she also loves old hollywood glad, this Candace Olson lamp just sang to me, and this chair, ohhhh this chair, heather will perch here while she applies her makeup.
She wants her bedding to have a very dreamy feel with lots of ruffles, pin tucks, and luxurious fabric.

Love this down comforter, maybe we can find something in this color scheme to drape at the end of the bed, and find a bench like this one to put at the end of her bed as well.
A collection of ornate picture frames would go beautifully above her desk.
Or maybe, just maybe we could find her something so unpractical, that it's just there for show, to add to the aesthetic of the room.
And you know if this girl had it her way she would be working in an office like this....
Maybe we could find some swank lamps like these....

Photo credits, southern,, and short southern momma's blog. (that girl has an awesome awesome blog!!)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Coupon craziness

Hello dear friends wanted to share my super savings this morning!! I have just started really couponing as of November; and I always read about people buying $50.00 worth of stuff and with coupons only paying like, a dollar. Well I don't know about you but I have had no such luck this far... That is until today.

Well I frequently read Colin posts all kinds of deals and has truely been my couponing inspiration thus far. She posted an unadvertised deal at target for biore strips (buy 3 get a $5 gift card) well with my other $2 off coupons in tow we went... Ended up getting 2 packs of wipes for .39 a piece ($2 off 64 cr or greater, remember buy small packs) off bug repellant (.75 off plus $1 off at register) then schick disposable razors ($5.99 with 4.00 Manu coupon an $1 target coupon made 3 quattro razors .99)

Here is my receipt to prove it pd $18.00 saved $17.50. Not monumental but good enough for me

-- Jb

Friday, May 21, 2010

Introducing real life barbie!!!

This is her, yep real life barbie, aka, Heather, she is a very very dear friend to me and I am sooo thankful the lord brought her into my life. You see heather and i met in middle school, knew each other as acquaintences throughout high school, then by the miracle of our lord she transferred to god's country, aka, the University of Alabama her sophomore year at alabama.

Throughout our time at bama we became the best of friends, and recently when she asked me to help her decorate her big girl room, how could i resist????? So without further adeu, real lifesize barbie..... (she is tiny, and cute, and blonde, and snorts and i Love all 5'3" of her!!)

This is her with my sweet baby girl, just one day old.
And here we are on graduation day, we both finished classes in May, took classes online throughout the summer and moved home, and chose to go back to tuscaloosa in August 2008 to walk and graduate from our school. (me 6 months preggo)
And she loves anything super super super frilly and girly..

Since i had such a small wedding in June of 2008 and only had my sis, Casey's sis and lauren as bridesmaid's i incorporated my next closest friend as my wedding planner, (that was her major....)

So here is a brief glimpse of an idea for what she likes, soft pastels, shabby chic, hollywood glam, but most importantly a cozy space she can call home at the end of the day from her wonderfully delightfully stressful job!!

Here we are right after i found out i was pregnant, we not only lived in the same apartment complex in college and went to the same college, and are from the same home town, we worked at the same place too....
All these colors is what i am thinking, as accents with a predominately cream and white base....

Can't wait to share the inspiration boards, love you h-bomb!!!!