Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Day to enjoy our surroundings

pre-post side note... i am trying to work on my photography skills, i think these three pictures show how once i am "looking through the view-finder" things get better... snowflakes and bleeding hearts make my heart swoon......
Okay, promise to try and not get too sappy on this one... Two weeks ago the fam and i packed up for Birmingham, AL for a weekend get away trip. This was exactly two years (to the weekend) casey proposed to me in the botanic gardens in birmingham; so we thought after our tuscaloosa trip to the paul bear bryant museum; {casey had never been} we would show baby where daddy proposed.
After we got there i decided this was quite the prime photo opp, for well, everything, enjoy the photo's we had a blast.
okay again, photo skills.. in the works, hate the lighting but i mean come on.. look at those ruffly socks, a chubby painted fingernails, and those puckered lips.
then ya know... smiles turns to frustration and hunger.... quickly.....so tears and tantrum turn to giggle again.
then of course a little game of monkey see monkey do, if you cant tell this little bit does EVERYTHING.. her daddy does. so stinkin' cute!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Dreaming of a Luxe dining Room

i guess i have been watching too much Candace Olsen lately, here is what i am inspired to do in my very blank slate dining room.....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ode to PBO

Okay so going to grab a sandwich at lenny's immediately I think...yes...mini pb trip so while I wait for my sweet friend heather to arrive here are some of the cute things I saw

Heaven... I am in shopping heaven. Hope the sun is shining brightly on you today and you are as excited about the weekend as I am!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lots of love for Little English

I have really had a hard time finding stuff that i just LOVE for bebe to wear. We love Kelly's Kids and Just Ducky and of course Beaux et Belles smocked stuff but i havent found a company that carries the "classic children's clothing" that truly matches my style.[sidenote: i really am still evolving my style and its something that truly began to take shape while i was in college, even though i love something funky, my design philosophy would probably have to be, if i look back at my self from 10, 20 yrs ago, i want the look to be timeless, beautiful fabrics, chic lines, something reminiscent of the simpler days; mainly solids, anything lilly, or lilly-esque.]Then about 2 weeks ago my mom called in a panic. this is kind of how it went...{ruffle collars make me weak at the knees, mom found 2 of these for like 5 bucks a piece... Thank you sweet Annie Hunter for sharing your love of bows and ruffles with me (my sewing class buddy from college, LOVE HER)}

mom:"hey jenn, can you leave work??"

me:"no mom we are swamped, i told you i was training for this new position, what's up everything okay??"

mom:"well i am in line, here, at the location for race for the cure, its bad, women look vicious, i need your hands to grab all you can!"

me:"mom, what are you talking about??"
mom:"oh, yeah there's a children's company i've never heard of doing this warehouse sale, rock bottom prices, smocked, beautiful things, it could get ugly."

me:"bahhhh mom your insane, what company, where did you find out about it??

mom:"in the paper, its called little english, ADOREABLE!!"
me:"okay mom, i trust your judgement, pick out some cute stuff, and i will pay you back."

mom:"gotta go, gotta go, someone tried to cut me in line, eeekkkk. call you in a few."
For those of you who haven't had the opportunity to meet my mom she is one of the craziest, funniest people you will ever meet. She is overly dramatic {i don't know anyone else like that;)} so concerned about everything involved with the baby and somewhat of a hover mom. No offense but this woman wants to know everything everyone of her kids is doing at all times. Think Nora Walker from Brother's and Sister's. Always from the heart kinda love but good lawd, she can put on a show. hahaSo needless to say i am now deeply, madly, in love with anna caroline's spring wardrobe, thanks mom for your continuous efforts to make sure your granddaughter has the best wardrobe, {not to mention at a great price}

Anyone know if other companies have warehouse sales?? I would love to find some just ducky stuff at these cheap prices, Maribeth, hook a girl up!! haha

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The love dare

I have been meaning to share with you what I have learned from reading this amazing book.

Since becoming a mommy my heart is very full for others, at this point in my life I am not Able to financially assist others the way I would like to but I can pray for them and ask the lord to be with ppl and give them the guidance they need. The love dare has shown me how to be much more open with my feelings and more real with my spouse.I shouldn't expect him to read My mind,I have to explain to him what it is I need to feel safe, one of those things is knowing we are not living above our means. I can proudly say we are well on our way to financial peace and as of February 1 everything but student loans and the mortgage is paid off. This was for me the first step to feeling "safe."

Within the first 10 days the book encourages the reader and the spouse to create boundaries for one another. Boundaries are healthy and necessary rules of engagement. Once you establish those boundaries you must begin to live by them.

Then you begin to pray for your spouses heart and the ways god can begin to work in your marriage. This is where the lord really begin to bless my heart. Being able to simply spend time with my husband is something I don't take for granted. My husband is working full time, going to school part time, and also has a part time job on the weekends, so when Tuesday nights and Sunday nights roll around I can't wait to spend time together!!

Stay tuned s I continue to share what the lord is doing in our lives!!

Verse for day 17
1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love drives out all fear.
-- Jb

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Burmenham bound

Looks as if the only thing to save us is veggies tales sing along and some chikfila!!

Things i Love right now Part 1

I know i have recently written of simplifying my life and streamlining. I love the clarity this has brought me and how much more humble i have become through this, but every now and then there is a glimmer of dreaming. thought i would share these with you.
Romans 8:28 But when i hope for what i do not yet have, i wait for it patiently.

Thank you Jesus for the grace that passes all understanding when we learn to be patient in you.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Projects

made some earrings for a coworker.....
trying to figure out how to use this space... its the cut out on our stairs landing, got my beautiful sconce from pb outlet hung, i like the center shelf but the other two are struggling... help... what do i need??
oh, and i ADORE my etched vase i got for my bday, had to bust out the new placemats for this arrangement (left over from easter meal) oh, and notice baby is totally cheezin' for this... haha

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Celebrations...

Ever had that feeling that you were NEVER going to get caught up... well i am there. As usual i have bit off more than i can chew and i am paying for it. My tired is tired as my grandpa would say... Anywho wanted to give yall a glimpse of my first ever hosted holiday meal. My favorite part was decorating the table. BTW i had full intentions of getting some mother of pearl napkin rings and i just forgot to make the trip to the store to get them... typical when your brain is as full of stuff as mine is....
This flower arrangement is one of my absolute fave's. you actually use two vases, set the smaller one inside the big one, fill with whatever candy you like then fill the small with water and flowers, VOILA.... such a unique centerpiece and really helped set the tone.

Then of course you must have candles....

And easter eggs hanging from the chandelier....

And dessert is always the best part, the funny thing here is on saturday my sweet hubby didnt hear the timer go off so my not so pretty, but very very yummy homemade carrot cake looks like a volcano, but still tastes great!!!
**on a side note this is the one room in my house that just is BLAH i love my curtains and chandelier and thats about it, any suggestions as to what i can do?? i was thinking a buttercream color for the walls, maybe in stripes and the stripes being a glaze. Any of you experimented with glazing... i am tempted to try....

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

15 and 16 months

Now that baby is getting to be a big girl we thought we would make it a day on Saturday and attend the Easter Egg Hunt.
Mommy manned the camera and baby and daddy were off, for some reason these moms were viscious and just when we would get to a small cluster of eggs someone (fat old mean women, i mean.... uhh yeah) would either take them out of babies basket or snatch them before we could get any. Needless to say we got 3 eggs.

Grammy got to pet her first real bunny.
And baby got to feed a goat

Then she practiced crossing her legs like daddy
But her new favorite thing is crawling in mommy and daddy's bed and watching Little Bear and Olivia.

And giggling of course!