Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Room for Two: Client Edition

Wanted to share the progress in a little girls room I have been working on!

And on this one I think we will reveal the sources. 

You won't believe me if I don't! The budget for this room is reasonable. It's what a lot of people really want to spend on a room and don't know how to get a whole room for this price! 

Here is the before:

After figuring out the needs of this room we decided to move sister in here! Mom found the main fabric and we have had a blast piecing this room together. We did Not do a style board for the main reason being the budget. If we found something that could work and it fit the bill we went for it!

Here is where we are right now. We still have a few finishing touches but it is coming together beautifully! 
The pink swatch is going to be our euro shams! Hope to get those made before spring break! 

Can't wait to have this room completed!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Actually seeing progress...

You see this??
And this? 
And this guy? 
Well... We are 9 outlets short of switching out every single electrical port in the downstairs of our home! Swapping electrical and all lighting downstairs before any major project was out deal!! 

Hubby rocks and has been working on this during Sunday afternoon naps for the past 5 weeks. 
39 total.... Only 9 to go!!!!! Eeek!!! Makes the house just feel fresh and new!!!!! 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Baby Shower

A dear friend of mine is expecting so several people got together to throw her a shower for baby! 

We used my stork from whit as our door decor!
The first of the gifts! 
Everything was so yummy!! 

I had sooo much fun making this banner as decor for the party!! 

And it was so fun to see all things girly. We have been snips and snails over here for a while now! 

Now I am ready to meet this little one!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Valentines 2014

We had an awesome valentines dinner! 

We continued the tradition of the item needing to fit inside the heart tin so we had to get creative! 
Sister received an add a pearl necklace
Baby got 2 new paci's
And Connor got some planes coloring pages and a special chocolate marshmallow! 
Our dessert was from Whimswy Cookie Company! 
And the table was practically pink and Lilly in every way! 
Mommy got a special treat from daddy too! 

I love all of you and am so thankful to have you join us in this crazy journey of life!! 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Styling: A Client Project

I had such a blast working with Diane. 

She is slowly moving through her home and bringing life to a few places that had been "overlooked" when they moved in about 10 years ago. 

Diane asked if I would come and help use some of her favorite things and precious family pictures and display them to showcase for when she is entertaining. 

The cabinets were originally pickled so after our first meeting she and her handy man collaborated and got to work painting them white dove by Ben Moore. I am sooo impressed with their painting! Diane had the doors sprayed by her handyman and she did the rest! 
Here is where we left off right before Christmas. 

She and her husband have tons and tons and tons of books so it was a refining process for sure!! 

We just met again this last week to finish styling and discuss the next step.
 We have a few pieces she has ordered to complete her collections of top right shelf and middle left. 
Several of her crystal and hand carved glass pieces just popped against the  accent color we selected! 

Now the next step is to use this same accent color and mix it with the pearlescent paint to make her gorgeous custom mantle pop!! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Living Room Style Board

Hello friends!
Can I just say thank you from the bottom of my heart??

Ya'll have blessed me beyond measure with all your kind words regarding a piece of our story. 

Thank you for trusting me with yours and your outpouring of support. Means the world!

Now that my head is clear, I have been thinking its about time to nail down some elements of this room. 

Here is what we are working with. 

Contemplating a cowhide rug....
there will be a treatment like in the picture over the fireplace!
and hoping for some ah ha moment on where my pop of color is going to come from!

This is obviously my rough draft board but this is sort of the direction the room is headed in. 

getting quotes this week on having the builtins made.
wrapping up switching out the electrical.
and picking out a roller shade for the back door.

Once the roller shade is installed and the outlets switched out I will be sharing pictures!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Favorite Baby Items #3

Now that we are on number three I feel like we have a little bit of an idea of what has worked well for us and what hasn't.

We did decide to start making our own baby food with #3 and suprisingly its easy, and super fun! 
The big kids have had a blast helping us make sweet potatoes, or apples and pears.

Its been a great teaching opportunity for the older two to learn how mixing things taste!


Our favorites this go is still our double to triple, back to single stroller.

 Throwback to our disney trip!

ride in the back, ride in the front
 pop an infant carrier in the top!
add a wheelie board and stick sister helping me push! 

This thing is amazing! 
btw... at three we finally had an AH HAH moment at the hospital. 
Dont take all those carts etc down, just grab the stroller, have the carrier attached and mommy can hold baby, and not baby in carrier. A lot less awkward and everything carried down in one trip!

The other thing we are using daily and SOOO glad we invested in with big brother is our Baby Bjorn bouncer seat! 

I actually dont have any pictures of w in the seat but trust me. he sits there often while I am working!
and... pretty much everything on this chart I made with c.

We did get a sophie replacement and this go... I would like to invest in a chew beads necklace. Mr. Whit can not seem to stop chewing on all my jewelry!

What do you use that you can't live without?

I never jumped on the rocknplay wagon but I hear I sorely missed out!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Beauty for Ashes: Five

I have never been a person to have a "lucky number" but this one, it seemed to be the one that I used as my guide. 

My shield, my gauge.

"In 5 years, we can financially breathe."
"In 5 years, you will have a real grown up career."
"In 5 years maybe I can really start pursing my design dreams."

You see back in March, it was 5 years that had passed since I saw 2 pink lines for the first time. 

Then I thought, no.... that was only one. 

After nine seperate tests I knew it was true.

I felt the lord whisper to me. "Give me five years, allow me to mold you, transform you, and make you and Casey into the people I want and need you to be."

What did I learn in that amount of time?
Humbling is a process, and this one simple phrase.

"Sin will make you go farther than you wanted to go, and make you pay more than you wanted to pay." 

(I have to be delicate with the words I choose to write on this matter because one day, my little girl will read them. I never want her to think I didn't love her. 
It IS because of my love for her that she is here today; so bear with me... I have also chosen to write her a special book through pictures and prayer and love notes and share with her how much we have loved her and how thankful we are that Jesus decided to make us her parents. I want this to be something for her only so she can work through the emotions privately with us, satan will use this enough to attack her so I feel that is probably the best way for us to share with her)

The drive to planned parenthood to confirm the pregnancy was the scariest drive of my life. 
I wavered back and forth between wanting an abortion, and not.... after prayer I knew the lord had instilled me with this little one.

And who was I? Who was I to stand in the way of the life he intended.
It was my responsibility to carry her and nurture her and bring her up!!

Two sweet friends daily walked those first few weeks with Casey and I. 
I went through every array of emotion possible.
Denial, excitement.... followed by denial. A whirlwind of how would we provide... back to thoughts of an abortion, thoughts of an adoption, then denial again. 
(People, I convinced myself I had a mild form of the flu for 9 weeks straight.) 

I eventually accepted the pregnancy and we proceeded to tell our parents.
That day I remembering not wanting to breathe.
Things were said, feelings were hurt, but the silence was the hardest.

Again... time.
Originally, before those pink lines; our plan was to get engaged in the summer and hopefully wed in the fall or coming spring.

Instead we got engaged in April and were married 5 weeks later.

We wed when I was 24 weeks pregnant.

Anna Caroline looks at our wedding photos now and asks where she is.
I don't lie to her, I tell her that she was with us in my tummy.

It pains me to say that, but I don't personally feel it is right to lie to her.

We had a very simple ceremony, where dear friends sang, the blazing sun almost suffocated us, 
and simple vows were exchanged.

That day we made a commitment, no matter what, no matter how hot of a fire, to tough it out. 

Those 7 months I was pregnant (that I knew about) I was well... a nomad of sorts.
We were in Tuscaloosa when we were engaged, moved home in June to marry and in July I returned to Tuscaloosa to take 2 final classes to graduate from Alabama.

I had several friends who offered to let me sleep on their couch. 
Abbie, Kara, Lauren, Heather, Christina, and Emily. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

I would send my morning text to see what people had going on that day, I spent my day at the library, or walking target, would wait for them to return from class or work for us to eat, shower, and study before bed and sleep. 
In the am I would grab my pillow, blanket and bag of clothes and head out for my next adventure for the day.
Just me and baby girl growing in my tummy.

Having her was not exciting for me like it was with the boys, it was relief that the nightmare of my previous months was over. 

Maybe that people would stop talking about me, and stop feeling sorry for me, the rumors and facebook friend requests, from the nosey, would stop.

I just wanted her here, and for time to heal what all had transpired.
In the moment I finally got to hold her I just remembering holding so tight, crying tears of joy, breathing a sigh of relief. 

Thinking how perfectly she was knit together in my womb.

And how long I had waited for this day. 
I remember no excitement in the room when the family came in to meet her. 

I only remember a slight lift of the tension felt.

I had named her Rebekah Caroline.

Casey named her Anna Claire.

Only minutes before trying to be discharged from the hospital did we settle on the name Anna Caroline.

Anna means gracious and merciful 
and Caroline means joy and song of happiness.

On November 12, 2008 she became the merciful song of happiness to our lives.

to be continued.

Friday, January 31, 2014

7 Months

This was your month buddy.
Your personality exploded, you started pulling up, crawling and you cut your two bottom teeth all within 2 weeks!!

You are finally feeling better from having RSV, and several sinus infections.

We continued to have problems with your clogged tear duct so the dr referred us to a children's eye dr and she recommended surgery.

We are going to wait a bit longer to see if this is necessary.

you LOVE to snuggle in the pillows to drink your bottle!

You still wear size 2 diapers and sometimes a size 3, your growth has slowed down and you are still wearing 6-9 and some 9m clothing.

and your giggle. it melts us all!!! 

we love you angel!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cheery Coastal Update: The Kids Bath

Enough with this cold!!! 

I am ready for warmth, and windows open and no Mosquitos!!!!! 

Can I get an amen??? 

To help brighten spirits around our little piece of America I grabbed some paint, oyster shells and construction adhesive! 

Then, hubby grabbed some white/blonde travertine, a trowel and a construction adhesive mat. 

And here is where we are at! 

Details to follow!