
Monday, March 31, 2014

9 Months

We both feel this way about him continuing to grow up! 
(Actually He had an ear infection)

Ohhh these two. 

Try keep me busy, and tired, and my heart so full! 

9 months was the month I hit my "I don't have a baby anymore panic attack."

I am learning to slowly release my grip, let him explore and accept he is the last baby for our family. 

If you don't know my extreme love of tiny babies, ohhhh my word it's intense. 

Like we have discussed fostering babies I love them so dearly. 

I don't like waking up in the middle of the night but the rest. I love it. 

These toes!

This angel fell asleep holding my hand.

He truly melts my heart!
Clearly he didn't feel too well.

Our hair is growing and starting to curl!!!! 
Eeeekkkkkk these curls are heavenly!!!!

Here is a glimpse of his 9month portraits.

He is quite the ham in front of the camera.
Oh how I love him so!!! 

9month stats:
He gained one pound and was up to 18.5. Pounds, 50 percentile! 
Length about the same at 28"

His growing seems to have leveled off and this planner momma is a little nervous that everything I have planned for summer isn't going to work. 

What do you do! 

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