
Friday, March 14, 2014

Potty training....

sooo potty training was a NIGHTMARE with our daughter. LIKE i cried every day nightmare. 

i have asked every walking sole i have met what their tips are and naked seems to be the way to go...

we have been unofficially potty training since november. some days we do great... others not so much. 

but... he is pretty much hilarious while "trying"

he will kill me for sharing these when he is older. hahaha.

any pointers?


  1. I paid my first son with M & M's. 2 for #1 and 5 for #2. He could eat them immediately. After a while, I just put them in a bowl on the kitchen counter, and he was allowed to eat them whenever he wanted, except that last half hour before dinner.

    Second son wasn't so easily swayed. I made up a chart for 30 days. Every so many days there was a star, and when he reached that day, he got a prize--it was an action figure--Thundercats. They averaged about 4-6 days apart. When he got to day 30, he got a big prize--Thundercats Castle. Older brother also had a chart at the same time, to stop thumbsucking. Once little brother got his first Thundercat, older brother was on board. His prizes were GI Joes. All told, it took about 6 weeks for both to reach their goals. Worth every penny I spent.

    Blogless Peggy

  2. I subscribe to the theory "Start at 2, end at 3. Start at 3, end at 3." It really saved me so much sanity. But I had 3 kids (and one miscarriage) all in less than 4 years. I had to pick my battles!


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