
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Tennessee Christmas

Christmas was crazy busy this year!!

With three we were doing good to keep up with each child all morning!

So much fun and so thankful for videos and cameras to help me remember the blur of a day!

I am ohhhhh so thankful we were able to stay home this christmas holiday and be able to get some much needed work done around the house. 

I will let the pictures speak for themselves. 

Hope you and yours had a fabulous holiday season sharing memories with those you love. 

This year we stuck pretty closely to the a need, a want, something to read and an experience.
I am so glad we are taking the shift off of the gifts and focusing on the reason we celebrate this holiday.

little baby was all about his teething rings!

We spent the afternoon organizing closets and finishing unpacking the house from moving in. 
(Can't wait to show you some of our progress!)

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

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