
Friday, October 18, 2013

One Room Challenge Week 3: Half Bathroom

Whew. This week was the actual changing week!
Lets look back at our original before.
And again the inspiration.

We are excited to see some actual change in this room. 

First thing up... removing the mirror!

I must admit I was a little intimidated about removing the mirror at first.
 But these suction cups make it a breeze.

 And... after removing the wallpaper not just one but two layers of wallpaper underneath.

Time to cover it up!!

Pretty sure this micro floral was all over my bathroom in the 80's.

We selected some 1x4x.5 to attach to the wall in a pallet effect. (remember wallpaper with this much paint, etc would basically mean new drywall)

 We took the plunge and bought a nail gun. 
This thing was SOOO fun!

I laughed when I saw this picture. I was rocking out to my favorite pandora station when hubby snapped this!

Had to remove the light to make some specific cuts with the jig saw around the light kit.

And everything except the 3 trip pieces around the toilet.
Hope to finish that trim, paint and start working on the countertop this next week. 

Stay tuned. 
Its the home stretch!


  1. Oh my I love that wall of wood! looks amazing --can't wait to see how it finishes up!

  2. This is absolutely GORGEOUS, Jenny Beth!! You're so talented!

  3. Look at you!! Oh yeah, I pinned it. This looks amazing, and I can't wait to see the end on this one. Great job.

  4. That wall looks phenomenal!!!!! Great job!

  5. What kind of nail gun did you buy? I want one, but have no idea what to get. I only really need something for finishing like what you are doing. Thanks!

  6. This is so amazing and you are really inspiring me to do something like this. I love it, it looks sooooo good! Great job! Best of luck with therest!
    Xo Nancy

  7. Can you tell me exactly what you purchased to cover the wall? Did you cut the pieces? Is this flooring? Sorry to be so specific but my husband and I aren't handy. Thank you!


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