
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lately.... Fall 2013

Whew.... ever since baby Whit was born I have felt like a whirlwind of life has happened.

Seriously, like I am a gerbil endlessly running a wheel leading to nowhere, and there is nowhere to get off!

Next week is reveal week and I am "loosing hope" that we will have the bathroom completed by then. 
These challenges are fun but DANG does 6 weeks fly fast!

In other news it just hit me I have not done the "moved in with furniture post" of the house. 
Basically, I cant keep my house picked up with 3 under 4 long enough to take the pics. 

People are all like, "I don't know how you do it?"
I'm all... "ughhh don't come over. Looks like Hiroshima up in here."

Then sweet local customers stop by to pick up stuff and I feel terrible because this place is so crazy. 
New policy is clean room, close door, no reentry!

Now onto some fun stuff....
 This sweet bunny usually falls asleep sitting up around dinner time. He takes an afternoon nap but never fails. We go to pick up toys before we sit down for dinner and he is either on the couch, in the swing, or his bouncer and he crashes. 
Ps. this is like my favorite pj outfit ever and its starting to get too small which makes me super sad :( 
He is officially not a newborn anymore.

And this crazy... Well... he is just flat CRAZY!
Bathed the baby the other morning, when to put a diaper on him and I hear splashing. 
I immediately grabbed my camera and snapped this pic. 
He got in baby's bath and proceeded to bathe himself in his clothes... 
SOO my life right now. And it makes me laugh!!

Off to start breakfast and make lunches. 
Happy Tuesday All!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, what a life! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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