
Monday, February 4, 2013

Let's Talk Skin Care

A couple of months back we talked about mascara.

I got several emails saying those of you would like to know what everyone was using for her skincare routine.

I must admit, mine has been quite simplified and I stick to just a few companies.

After years of battling minor breakouts in the "t-zone" I invested in a 10 facial series of microdermabrasion, followed by prescription Retin-A and minocycline.

After about a year my skin had cleared and the esthetician recommended I begin a very mild and as natural as possible regimine for my skin.

At the time a girlfriend was using Bobbi Brown products so I gave them a try, here I am all these years later and I ALWAYS use her mild cleanser.

I rotate Trish McEvoy Toner, Burt's Bees Toner and Bobbi Brown Toner.

And for removing eye make up I rotate between Trish and Bobbi Brown.

These are the 3 products I am currently using!

For a moisturizer I rotate between Clinique Moisture Surge, and by luck of a Sephora sample, Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer (best for the summer and I don't wear foundation then!!)

The only other thing I do to my skin for maintenance purposes is the occassional mask.

I have had this bottle for seriously 3 years. I do maybe 8-10 masks in a calendar year and I still feel it working!!

I have never bought much Origins but this mask I am SOLD on.

(click the image to see the item on sephora's site)

So your turn, share what you do. 

Would love to do a round up post of people's favorites and why they use what they do!!!


  1. I have acne-prone skin, so I swear by Proactiv's regimen. Because the moisturizer provided leaves my skin wanting in terms of moisture, I splurge on Creme de la Mer for might daily moisturizer. Hey, maybe it is working because people think I am 15 when I am approaching 26 :)

  2. For the last two years I have been using the "Oil Cleansing Method"; I found it on Pinterest. It's a mixture of olive oi, castor oil, and tea tree oil. I use it to take my make up off and cleanse my face. It is amazing. If you read the website, it says many products strip away the natural oil causing our skin to produce more oil. Its not the natural oils that cause acne but the clogging of the pores. I don't know how the OCM would work on younger, acne-prone skin. If an occasional pimple pops up, I use the gel from an ibuprofen gelcap. Just pierce the end of the gelcap and rub the gel on the pimple. This really works.

  3. i am embarrassed to say I use water...and a wash cloth. That's about it. Before I put on makeup I put on a little dot of my target up & up face lotion. On weekends when I'm really lazy I just get a wipe and take off my face make-up. Oh and if it's a good day I use baking soda. But I want to try this oil situation!


Love hearing your opinions and feedback!!
As always thanks for reading!