
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas at Momma's

Yesterday I left straight from school and headed to mom's to help her decorate her entry.

We had a limited amount of time and i don't just LOVE the table yet but we are getting there.

Mom had put up the tree and lights and mesh on the tree and banister and I helped with finishing touches. 

She has collected such fun and unusual ornaments over the years.

Love the lights and big bow at the bottom of the banister.
And I really hate the quality of Iphone 3g photos but for now they will work.

Can't wait to go back and take some better pictures to show you the neat stuff we added in.
This picture just doesn't do the foyer justice.
My little brother walked in and goes "oh, great.. yall managed to find a way to girlify christmas"
"you betcha!!" mom and i both replied!!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I love the girlyfied Christmas. It's fabulous!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog & leaving me a comment on my mantel.


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