
Friday, November 26, 2010

A Giggle from our Gobble

Most holidays follow the same format in my parents house.
1. we set the table early. check
2. menu is planned weeks in advance. check
3. I always help do something. check

This year my "something" was providing wonderful yeast rolls. 

If you have read this blog for any amount of time you know i REALLY like to save a buck.

A dear friend of mine has a yeast roll business she runs out of her home. 

I decided immediately this would be my contribution to the meal.

I hyped these rolls up for at least 3 weeks. 

Giggle goes as follows...

We walked in the door of my parents, said our hello's and i popped in the kitchen to place the delectable delights into the oven.

I go sit on the couch with my mom and we begin discussing a new book I am borrowing from a friend and how wonderful it sounds. 

Then mom returns to the kitchen to finish prepping the meal and i transition into the den with the rest of the family.

We watch the parade, then some of the dog show then the soft smell of yeast rolls fills my nose. 

Someone screams, "The ROLLS!!"

I run to the double oven, {which i misread temp} grab a mitt.

And it was too late. 

My delectable delights... were well...

Delightfully overdone...

Oh well, my husband and i immediately laughed, dad got upset for a nanosecond, then he and i realized this is just another wonderful memory to add to the repertoire of giggles from thanksgivings in the past.

Like the year mom dropped the frozed turkey on her foot in Kroger's parking lot and broke her foot. 

This one matches in giggle factor. 

Hope each and everyone of you had a wonderfully memorable Thanksgiving. 

**pictures are from the dinner table at my parents. 

I am linking to 

glasses and chargers- pier 1
dinner plates- vintage
napkins- william sonoma
napkin rings- vintage
candles and accessories found at local boutiques.


  1. Mishaps make memories, don't they. Glad you recovered soon and enjoyed a wonderful day with your family. I got a chuckle out of your reference to your mom dropping the turkey on her foot and breaking it, now that is more than a minor inconvenience, but what a story! Your table looks delightful.

  2. I love reading your blog, Jenny Beth! Thanks for always sharing. I was wondering if you would share with me the name/contact info of your friend who has her yeast roll business she runs out of her home? Thank you!
    Carole Tidwell

  3. Wow...what a great story! I understand your Dad's heartbreak (albeit shortlived), but this will certainly be a memorable Thanksgiving for all! Man...when your Mom broke her foot with the turkey...that had to be awful! It's funny as heck now, but I'm sure she didn't think so at the time! Ouch!!! Glad there were no more physical injuries!

  4. A lovely tablescape at your mom's house. It's those oh so human moments that always make the best memories in the years to come. Thank you for sharing your giggle with us. Cherry Kay


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