
Sunday, May 30, 2010

A nice long weekend.

While lying in my bed i was thinking about all that i have been forgetting to post lately.... so enjoy the randomness..... I am in full out, lets finish this "decorating the inside of the house thing"... my wardrobe is starting to look tired, on a budget or not it needs a little bit of sprucing....

 Well this weekend we will be doing a little of this, cant wait to take my ice cream maker out of the box and use the old family recipe!!
I will also be doing lots of this, (found this photo on google, and adore this fabric)

And a tiny bit of this, just painting below the chair rail in the dining room....
I wish i was lying when i tell you our back yard truly doesn't look like this but the fact of the matter is, well, it does, buying a foreclosed home means you buy a very very unkempt backyard, needing lots of weed and vine killer and even more love. Yesterday we headed out in the yard by 8 am. All ready to get to work, within the hour Casey had been stung by a bee on his finger and we had only removed one small portion of the kudzu from in between the pretty bushes it had over grown... Our front yard is starting to look good, but the backyard, totally different story..... Can't wait to share the before's and after's but with our slow progress back there it may be a while before i have anything exciting to show you.
And this afternoon and tomorrow we will be at the rents, relaxing by the pool. Can't wait for lunch with some dear friends, then we will all hopefully pile up and head on over to relax...
Here I am with my sister by the pool, disregard the fact she looks to be of a different race, she spent the past few weeks in Destin, and yes i look beyond pale, i mean its fine i am out in the sun at least right??

Okay wonderfully awesome people, gotta go shower for church, do some more cleaning and get breakfast started before hubby and baby awake... Hope you all enjoy your time off, say a prayer for our courageous soldiers who proudly defend us while we comfortably relax at home. They have given us the freedom we take way to much for granted!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Time to relax

Ever have one of those days... 
Not a bad day, just.. well, needing to pamper yourself?? 
Well, I am... Finishing other posts tomorrow!

Nitey night love birds!!

Getting crafty

Recently I found this beautiful wreath and decided this would be my new project for the front door I will post the after when I reveal the door!!

My mom was recently cleaning out her attic and found an old square wreath... 

Here is midway though the project....

Won't that look amazing??

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Room For Heather

One Day when we are old and gray Heather will be sitting in this little quaint kitchen under her absolutely gorgeous ruffled tableskirt sipping tea waiting on me to stop by.

And maybe just maybe if she loves this enough we could make one for her room.
Here are several things we could highlight in her room, she wants a mature pink toile print and I was immediately drawn to this, but knowing she also loves old hollywood glad, this Candace Olson lamp just sang to me, and this chair, ohhhh this chair, heather will perch here while she applies her makeup.
She wants her bedding to have a very dreamy feel with lots of ruffles, pin tucks, and luxurious fabric.

Love this down comforter, maybe we can find something in this color scheme to drape at the end of the bed, and find a bench like this one to put at the end of her bed as well.
A collection of ornate picture frames would go beautifully above her desk.
Or maybe, just maybe we could find her something so unpractical, that it's just there for show, to add to the aesthetic of the room.
And you know if this girl had it her way she would be working in an office like this....
Maybe we could find some swank lamps like these....

Photo credits, southern,, and short southern momma's blog. (that girl has an awesome awesome blog!!)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Coupon craziness

Hello dear friends wanted to share my super savings this morning!! I have just started really couponing as of November; and I always read about people buying $50.00 worth of stuff and with coupons only paying like, a dollar. Well I don't know about you but I have had no such luck this far... That is until today.

Well I frequently read Colin posts all kinds of deals and has truely been my couponing inspiration thus far. She posted an unadvertised deal at target for biore strips (buy 3 get a $5 gift card) well with my other $2 off coupons in tow we went... Ended up getting 2 packs of wipes for .39 a piece ($2 off 64 cr or greater, remember buy small packs) off bug repellant (.75 off plus $1 off at register) then schick disposable razors ($5.99 with 4.00 Manu coupon an $1 target coupon made 3 quattro razors .99)

Here is my receipt to prove it pd $18.00 saved $17.50. Not monumental but good enough for me

-- Jb

Friday, May 21, 2010

Introducing real life barbie!!!

This is her, yep real life barbie, aka, Heather, she is a very very dear friend to me and I am sooo thankful the lord brought her into my life. You see heather and i met in middle school, knew each other as acquaintences throughout high school, then by the miracle of our lord she transferred to god's country, aka, the University of Alabama her sophomore year at alabama.

Throughout our time at bama we became the best of friends, and recently when she asked me to help her decorate her big girl room, how could i resist????? So without further adeu, real lifesize barbie..... (she is tiny, and cute, and blonde, and snorts and i Love all 5'3" of her!!)

This is her with my sweet baby girl, just one day old.
And here we are on graduation day, we both finished classes in May, took classes online throughout the summer and moved home, and chose to go back to tuscaloosa in August 2008 to walk and graduate from our school. (me 6 months preggo)
And she loves anything super super super frilly and girly..

Since i had such a small wedding in June of 2008 and only had my sis, Casey's sis and lauren as bridesmaid's i incorporated my next closest friend as my wedding planner, (that was her major....)

So here is a brief glimpse of an idea for what she likes, soft pastels, shabby chic, hollywood glam, but most importantly a cozy space she can call home at the end of the day from her wonderfully delightfully stressful job!!

Here we are right after i found out i was pregnant, we not only lived in the same apartment complex in college and went to the same college, and are from the same home town, we worked at the same place too....
All these colors is what i am thinking, as accents with a predominately cream and white base....

Can't wait to share the inspiration boards, love you h-bomb!!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


My friend Shanna, gave my Preppie Peonie site an award... EEKKKK ... go check it out.

And of course go on over here, and see what all Shanna has been working on.

Stay tuned, an inspiration for a dear friends big girl room, and then the inspiration board..... i am so excited about this!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

18 months

well i cant believe its here but my baby is a year and a half old. time has literally flown since our sweet Anna Caroline was born and i have to say she is quite an independent little lady.
our little one is always exploring, loves loves loves to be outside, and within the past two weeks has really began to use quite a few words....
  • mom (in a yelling voice)
  • dad (in a yelling voice)
  • no no
  • uh oh....
  • bite
  • ousi (outside)
  • for for (fork)
  • gah gah (grammy) but the jury is still out on this one, my mom may be ma ma. not sure yet
  • luke
  • nicki (for uncle nick, my brother)
  • baby
there are several others that i am not able to remember at this time, probably will have to do another post just on new words in literally the past two weeks....

no matter how big she gets, or how much she grows up i will always be there to tuck my baby in at night and say her prayers with her.

Philippians 1:3-6
3Every time i think of you, I give thanks to my God. 4 I always pray for you, and i make my requests with a heart full of joy 5 because you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. 6 And I am sure that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again. (new living translation)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Dream A dream...

okay now that you have Susan Boyle in your head and a taste of what this post is about.... enjoy what i have been drooling over for the past few days. all photos are courtesy of

when i have my low country home i want my super casual den to look like this!!

Okay, hi my name is jenny beth and i am an addict of expensive things, i love fine linens, and fine fabrics, and high end fixtures, however i am recovering from this addiction and daily find ways to be thrifty and not fall to my inner desire.
hello gorgeous woodwork and fabulous cabinets
creamy marble countertops, white cabinets, this is truly my dream kitchen, not practical with kids, but hey a girl can dream right??
isn't this kitchen just stunning??
this seems a little more practical for me.....
and maybe, just maybe one day we will have our screened in porch finished and can enjoy just as much as i would love to enjoy this one.
OH, My GOSH!!!! could a sun room be any more elegant???? I surely don't think so....
and this beauty of a trellis, i hope to recreate this in my humble abode!!

hope you all enjoyed these beautiful spaces as much as i did, enjoy the last little bit of your weekend before the new work week starts.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Crazy Eights

My friend Shanna, at Keepin' Up with the Moody's tagged me in the bloggy fun game of Crazy Eights. So i went to my 8th facebook album, and 8th photo and here is what i came up with.

okay so not sure why this pic is so tiny, (i am on the left, my friend elizabeth, and her college roomie Lindsay) This was a super fun weekend for me in college, it was fall of my sohomore year at bama and i drove to knoxville to visit elizabeth. She is such a sweet friend and i have truly valued being her friend, we met my senior year in high school (her jr. year) and my freshman year at bama we got really close!!! LOVE HER!!!

That's all folks!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Picnic Party!!

My friend Kellie at This Blessed Nest is hosting a picnic today, girl... i love me a picnic, so i thought i would share with all of you one of my absolute most favorite recipes, Fruit Pizza!!
  • first buy one package of premade Pillsbury Cookie Dough, (you can make this dough but i have found the premade cooks much more evenly)
  • 1 package of cream cheese
  • 1 carton of strawberries
  • 1 carton of blueberries
  • 4 kiwi
  • any other fruit you desire.
  1. Roll out dough onto a round pizza pan, and cook according to directions on box.
  2. once cooled for 10 minutes spread cream cheese on cookie
  3. slice fruit and create a decorative pattern with the gorgeous colors.

Viola, a quick, tasty, and beautiful dessert everyone will love and noone will forget!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Rainy day

As I sit at home thinking about all I need to be doing outside I realize there are quite a few things i haven't blogged about. I saw my friend Shanna's word art and realized I hadn't shared the one I made with you all!!

Please disregard the aweful black cable cord...once we find an entertainment piece we like we will get everything in the den in order.. And as you can see in the background we have gotten nowhere on our dining room design...

Here is a sneak peek of my bedroom... Not quite ready to reveal but I am just so obsessed with this mirror I had to share that.

Then of course there is this... It's baby's new sleep blankie for daycare (which we will be starting next week)

Hrmmmm what else an I share with y'all while I wait on the bad weather to pass??? Stay tuned!!