
Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I know it has been a while since i blogged about my closet. We went unconventional for valentine's day and he installed a closet organizer for me!!! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO....
Any of you that know my fashionista past know of my desire for organization and ease of access of clothing.

{You all will be proud to know i am still sorting through my closet and discovering the inner me, I am so over the LABELS life that i thought about being ultra extreme and cutting all the tags out of my clothes... dont know may still do it. I will never stop loving the designers i have always loved but i WILL find ways to buy these items, (or look-alikes) on sale, again, the lord is working on my heart and continuing to reveal to me how unimportant things of this world are.}

So i am sure you can all imagine how excited i am to hear the hubs yell from upstairs..."Honey, come see your new, large, and improved walk in closet" I shreeked and ran up the stairs to see my newest smallest DIY......
no.. my closet isnt like Eva's, and probably will never be filled with all the luxe things hers is... but the important thing is its mine!!! and its me, and ITS ORGANIZED. no more sharing the closet downstairs with baby!!

So without further adeau.......
We cant forget the shoe corner. .....

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