
Sunday, March 21, 2010

All is new again.

Well Spring Has surely Sprung around our house... Baby and i made Easter eggs yesterday, noticed she dropped hers, "uhh oh!"

I brought out all my fave spring trimmings, including making some new curtains for the kitchen, much more lively than the tan and blue ones!

Found this GORG. Liberty of London tie at Target for the hubs.

Bought this cute bunny kit to put in my moss basket for a fun decoration.

Pulled out baby's easter basket so she can be ready for our egg hunts we have coming up!!

Painted a painting for the kitchen to match my new curtains!!

Brought out the yella' belles {as momma would say} for the entry table.

Decided this ugly light at some point needed to go.....

Ran an errand to the newly remodeled Pottery Barn Outlet, {just 5 min from the house} and Found this GORG Sconce, just what my stairs landing needs, something pretty to liven it up, now just need to find a little shade for the light!! {You cant see the price too well but this 99.00 sconce was on clearance for 9.97. YES PLEASE!!

Then i pulled out some old lilly fabric {skirts and pants that don't fit anymore} and i bought these ADOREABLE patterns and got to cutting out. {Still trying to find the time to construct these cute outfits but i promise... The are coming, Its actually 5 outfits total, i will get there!!

I had this gold pic frame and decided to grab my Heirloom White spray paint and slap a coat on, it really ties the new bedding in our room in, {dont you love you can see the hubs and baby in the bed watching tv, hehe}

Pics of the bedroom are still to come, waiting on a few finishing touches before i reveal.


  1. It's just all so cute, and this momma calls them yella belles too. Hope you are having a beautiful spring day.

    Cha Cha

  2. Hello Beautiful Friend,

    I just wanted to leave you a comment and let you know that I received your incredible e-mail this weekend and it stopped me dead in my tracks in the middle of Target with my kids in tow. You brought me to tears and I am sending you a response tonight after my kiddies get to sleep. You are one amazing young woman and I cannot tell you how much your e-mail meant to me.

    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful heart with me.....

    Big Hug,


  3. And by the way, I love all of your spring decorating!!!

    It looks so great! I love the picture of you gardening!!!

    Can't wait to do a little of that with my kids!

  4. you have been busy!
    and you live just 5 mins away from a pb outlet? why you lucky girl! how fun is that! what should i comment on first - the gardening - i'm so jealous over, but hopefully this week. how 'bout that tie for your husband. don't you just love the L of L collection! obviously, i do too! and yes, i've been spray painting things like crazy around here as well!
    thank you so much for coming to the spring fling party! i love that you stopped by & linked up.

  5. My Grammie called them yella belles as well! I love the curtains and your kitchen painting. Darling!
    This is my first time at your lovely blog via This Blessed Nest but I will be returning.



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