
Sunday, January 3, 2010

How I love fine china.

May I first mention as i sit here and blog that I am doing so with a baby in my lap. In my daughters first whole year of life i never held her while i played on the computer. This is the best feeling having a bundle of joy lay in your arms, sleep peacefully, and keep you warm as you open your heart to blogland. 

Okay so back to the reason for the post.When i was registering for things one of my favorite stores i went to was Jude Gifts. The sweet ladies there helped me pick out this place setting. They even reaffirmed me in mixing and matching companies and pieces, Thus Lenox and Pickard fell in love.

Found this excerpt from Pickard's website.

{Experts and connoisseurs of fine porcelains agree that Pickard is America's finest china - some will add that Pickard makes the finest china available anywhere in the world. At the heart of this proud tradition of excellence are stringent quality standards that have been passed down through four generations of the Pickard family.
All Pickard china is made in the U.S.A. by the same skilled craftsmen that produce the china that serves the President aboard Air Force One. When our ambassadors entertain queens, sultans and heads of state in U.S. embassies around the globe, their tables are set with Pickard.}
What an incredible feeling knowing that i am eating off the same fine china that dignitaries around the world are eating off of. Oh china, crystal, and silver.... how i love you so.

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