
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Baby Girl 14 months

I cannot believe how fast time has flown since she was born. 
She is such a big girl and everyday she reveals more of her vivacious personality to us. here is what she is currently doing. 

And yes I am a bad mommy, it just occurred to me the only pic we have of her since her birthday is this one. Forgive me, i will get on that this weekend, promise.

This was after a very long day of play at grammies and dinner with Lauren and Chad... she was pooped.

Back to the updates on our development:
  • last week she cut 4 new teeth
  • she makes this ohhh cindy loo hoo face and says "ahhhh"
  • she started saying "What?" and flipping her hands in the air
  • she will listen to people talk then say "oh really." too stinkin funny.
  • she is also speaking baby gibberish and does so in full sentences then does the what? face/hand movements. and at this point casey and i both so badly wish we could hear what it was she was saying
  • any dog within 10 to 20 feet of her she is going to insist we go that way so she can squeal and pet the puppy. then she will look at us make her ahhh/ohhh face like its the biggest suprise of her life and start waving and saying "uppie uppie uppie"
LOVE IT!!!!!

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