
Monday, November 2, 2009


If you know me well you know I am a questioner. I am always questioning why someone did or didnt say something to me when i see them around town. I question where i will be in five years. I used to question who i would marry and what my kids would look like and the kind of dog i would have. EVERYTHING....

Now that my married life is settling down and we are beginning to plant ourselves into the south i have to begin to question... Will my next child be born in this home? Will we EVER wrap up all the projects in this house before we move? Will we have another rat sneak into our house? Will casey and i actually get to take our "exotic honeymoon" vacation one of these days??

Now at this point you may be questioning.... What is the point of this post?? The point is.... always know that God is with you. He is there to carry you through your decisions in life, help give you a level head and discernment, and comfort you when your upset. 

If I knew 2 years ago what the lord was going to bring me through I wouldnt have believed him. If I had someone tell me i would marry casey right after i met him i wouldnt have believed them. But honestly god can make your dreams come true. I prayed one simple prayer, asking the lord to move me and draw me closer to him. I didnt know i would encounter the situations I did but I wouldnt change the way any of the instances occurred. I discovered who my true friends are through this. 

The people I always wanted to be better friends with it helped me realize that they werent meant to be in my life any longer, but the ones who ARE god really opened up a window and brought such a fullness that the meaningless friends could NEVER have fulfilled. Each of you inspire me to be more creative, you each challenge me in my relationship with the lord and you show me love in such an unconditional way.  I love each of you so much and am so thankful for the time you have spent with me throughout the longest year and a half of my life. It is so hard to believe in 10 days my little suprise will be one year old. I can honestly say the lord really knew what he was doing by bringing such a sweet tempered, loving, wonderful little girl into mine and casey's lives. 

Thank you for all your support.

1 comment:

  1. jenny beth, what a sweet and poignant post! it is so true that God is always with us even when we don't make the best decisions. in my situation, he showed me my true friends, too. and, i thank him for that every day.

    she is precious and definitely a blessing! happy early birthday, anna caroline!


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