
Friday, November 13, 2009

Finally, a home post

Designing a nursery is perhaps my most favorite thing of all times. There is so much newness, growth potential, and the idea that tons and tons of memories will be created here in such a short short time. Whenever i think of decorating a nursery my fave movie comes to mind. Father of the Bride II. Annie and her mother are pregnant at the same time. Haphazardly they run into Frank and they add a wing onto the house for the nursery suite. Its soooo dreamy. Everything that a nursery should be.
Remember this scene?? When the dad is driving home from work in his convertible with the top down?? i can hear the music playing in my head right now.

dont you just want to grab a newborn and go rock in one of those chairs??

if frank really existed i would enlist him to design a nursery for me then be as creative as i could and replicate the design myself. Is that cheating??? I would pay him for the design if i was feeling completely unmotivated. After all i do possess a design degree.... im just saying.

"uhh how do you like it mr. bAhnks?" cant you hear him?? I can.

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