
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lauren and Chad's engagement

yay for the best friends anyone could ever ask for...


  1. about the sewing: bring it on, sister! i have somehow become the go-to-girl for all my friends who want cute kids clothes without the high cost. as someone who has no training in sewing, i have learned by trial and error. this is the first time i have started sewing in the fall and really enjoyed making things and wanted to do it more. i have made miller 2 pairs of pants with several more in the works-two with inset pockets, one with back pockets and contrasting cuff, contrasting cuff, and a few just simple. t-shirts are next!

  2. okay well seriously we should get together one weekend soon and go over stuff!!! i would love to see what you are doing. you seem to have a good grasp of everything...


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